Pages 165+166

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The Summerween Trickster

The scariest/goofiest monster we've encountered so far! And that kid isn't just there for scale. We saw the Trickster swallow him whole! I ticked him off for not having enough enthusiasm about a made-up local holiday "Summerween" and he almost destroyed us.

1) Tall, stretchy body is the stuff nightmares (and taffy) are made of.

2) Really easily offended. If I was a 13 foot tall immortal monster I think I'd be less touchy.

3) Raspy voice

4) Can morph its body just like "Mr. Faceless" from the anime movie "The Cranky Girl Who Did Chores in Spirit Town." (Graunty Mabel made us watch it.)

5) Rips his clothes every time he transforms, which explains all the stitches.


But after chasing us around town all night, he revealed his true nature to us-

The guy's made of Loser Candy! Something like, thirty years of Loser Candy. And all he ever wanted was for someone to eat him.

The scariest thing I saw on Summerween Eve was Ria actually eating the Summerween Trickster.

All candy!!!

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