Pages 57+58

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The Muse has Spoken

I awake after the longest slumber of my life with renewed energy and inspiration! My Muse, that strange, whimsical creature who speaks to me in my dreams, has returned to me at last, this time with an insight so brilliant it can only be described as divine intervention!

All this time I've been looking for some common behavior to connect these anomalies, but what if what they all share is their


HISTORY- a history that exists beyond our world, in another realm, or "dimension" of weirdness?! What if these various different creatures all "leaked" from their dimension into ours, and the leak is right here in Gravity Falls?! If I could locate and puncture this weak dimensional fiber and record proof of the dimension beyond, I would have my Grand Unified Theory of Weirdness!

It is an idea so pure and powerful I never could have thought of it on my own. Sometimes I cannot believe how lucky I am to have come across my blessed Muse. How many other great historical minds has his brilliance inspired? Is he even real- or just a part of my fickle imagination? No matter- his insight is surely real, as are the blueprints he left me for a portal to another dimension....

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