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The Carnival

In order to get C's mind off her recent trauma, I decided it was time to take a break from our project and go on a date.

Fortunately, I read in the newspaper that "Mama Misfortune's Traveling Carnival and Freak Show" was in town for the day. Although I loathe nickel-grubbing circuses and sideshows (I was swindled enough as a kid on the boardwalk), I've learned that every so often there's something real mixed in with the fakes that is work studying. This means new discoveries for me, and a day of relaxation for my poor beleaguered fiancée. Sure enough, she was ecstatic at the prospect of watching pig races and eating kettle corn, and very soon we were on our way. This will do her some good.



My excitement turned out to be short-lived. The first "beast" we encountered at the fair was literally a chicken duct-taped to a silverback gorilla.

A plaque called it the Gorr-icken.

There was no explanation given for the wizard hat it wore- merely a sign reading "Cash Only." Shockingly, the townsfolk seemed delighted, and we could barely get past the throng to the front of the line. This town has the most gullible people on Earth. Someone with no ethics could make money hand-over-fist in Gravity Falls!

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