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August 3rd

The strange document has proven indecipherable. Nonetheless, I believe it's very existence is proof enough that the Northwest family history is a fraud.

I traveled to Northwest Manor to confront Old Man Northwest with this evidence of his family's deceit, but instead was met by his bratty daughter, Pacifica.

Not wanting my well-rehearsed tirade to go to waste, I launched into a list of her family's crimes:

Lying about founding the town!
Breaking treaties with the natives!
Making self-promoting weather vanes!

The girl was unmoved until I offhandedly mentioned the Great Flood of 1863. She was so panicked about what I said that she had me forcibly escorted from the premises. Have I stumbled upon one more misdeed of this accursed clan?


I put one cover-up aside and have begun to investigate another!

The Great Secret of the Great Flood

I followed the flood path back from Northwest Manor toward my own house and made a gruesome discovery. Countless lumberfolk died in the Flood of '63, and all of them were under the Northwests' employment. And is seems that many, if not most, of their cadavers had washed up DIRECTLY under my own porch, 100 years before I was here!

No wonder Northwest Realty sold this land to me at a discount- this property is built on a graveyard! Which may explain why I have had so many recent sightings of...

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