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Magic Items 

While I'm on the subject, I would like to catalog some of the more recent magical and mysterious items I have encountered in Gravity Falls. These put the junk sold at the annual carnival to shame!


Found in an ancient trunk at a local estate sale, this mysterious cloak makes its wearer completely invisible- half of the time. The other half of the time, it flickers on and off again, usually at the worst possible moment, while you wander around trying to find a good invisibility 'signal.' (Very frustrating.)


Found buried deep within the mines, this crystal head of a perpetually frowning bald man (labeled "Baldwin") tells your future, but only in rambling complaints. (Going to rebury him.)



My personal invention! Was created in college as part of a government-funded assignment regarding "political persuasion." My prototype won first prize and was given over to men in black suits. They never gave me back the original, but luckily I kept a few others.


Found in the forest with no explanation of any kind. Not sure if it's magical, but it's certainly a good conversation starter. Currently using it as a coffee table. If I ever have a hitchhiking emergency, this will come in handy! (A bit concerned that an angry, thumbless giant may return to get it back.)

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