Pages 71+72

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Island Head Beast



Yet another startling discovery at the lake! One of these "boulders" was in fact an enormous human-like tooth! There was evidence of nerve tissue on the root, plus crushed mollusks, fish bones, and a broken wristwatch at the crown. My girlfriend used a chisel (and some dental floss) to break free a few pieces as I puzzles over a theory...

In my past investigations, I have noticed that one of the lake's islands seems to be in a different location every morning. My conclusion is that this island is some kind of living creature and the owner of the tooth. Could it be that this serene mountain lake contains a genuine submerged Lovecraftian horror? I will have to return to investigate at a later date.


Despite this bone-chilling thought, I couldn't help but enjoy the scenery. There is no other place in Gravity Falls I would rather be that the lake. It reminds me of my childhood and Piedmont Beach...

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