Pages 61+62

37 2 2

July 18th

The design of the machine has hit a roadblock- my own embarrassingly limited mechanical knowledge.

Why did I stop taking Hyper-Advanced Engineering and Fifth-Dimensional Calculus after only three semesters? For what? To "treat myself" to that second semester of Applied Quantum Phase Theory? Well, this is where all my slacking off has landed me.

I have no choice. I must visit my old roommate and girlfriend and beg her to join me. She is the only person I trust enough to share in this undertaking. I must persuade her to harness her mechanical genius in service to this project, or else abandon my machine entirely. It has been a while since I've talked to another person. I should probably shower.

July 20th

Success! She has agreed to join me! With her assistance, I am confident we can complete the machine. She had already made several suggestions that I intend to incorporate into my revised designs.

July 29

I am overcome with emotion. The presence of my girlfriend once more has filled my heart with such joy and gratitude. She has sacrificed so much to come to my aid. She lived here in Gravity Falls, but has recently officially moved in with me. She has abandoned her own professional aspirations, although she has brought along a prototype of her pet project to work on in her off-hours.

After all these years of self-imposed solitude, how wonderful it is to have my significant other by my side! I must do my best to make her feel welcome....

I'm off to the store for some bags of candy and microchips!

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