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ONLY as a last resort, as water will make it much, MUCH scarier!

He mutated before my eyes and, with a mighty heave of his wings, took flight down the mountain with my fiancée in his grasp! I sprinted down the cliffside after the creature, tearing my coat and scraping myself bloody, watching helplessly as the monster flew farther into the distance. It was clear that I was going to lose C forever if I didn't think fast, so I whipped out my magnet gun, pointed it at the Hyperdrive still cradled in C's arms, and, with a magnetic rush, was pulled fifty feet through the air into the Gremloblin's back. One hard blow to the back of the head with my gun and he was out cold.

He careened down through the air- taking me and C with him. A necessary gamble!


We crashed through a barn roof and were fortunate enough to land in a soft, cushioning hayloft.

The Gremloblin was knocked out, and the startled horses began to calm down.

The Hyperdrive was thankfully in an empty trough, safe and sound. C, however, was far worse for wear. She seemed utterly panicked by what she had experienced, and was in such a babbling state of terror that she didn't even seem to notice that her arm was broken and pierced in several places with the Gremloblin's venomous quills. She's usually pretty brave, but maybe this monster was tougher than I thought...


I immediately took her home for treatment.

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