Pages 65+66

34 2 3

Today while reviewing our portal blueprints and discussing the latest fashion trend of "Leg Warmers," C asked me an odd question. She said that the plans in these blueprints were unbelievably complex, and she wondered if anyone else had helped me come up with this idea.

I internally debated whether I should tell her about my Muse. C is very interested in the supernatural, just like me. But something tells me she'd be less trusting towards my Muse. Although I have always wanted to tell someone about my divine experience, I worry that she might think I've gone crazy all these years in seclusion, or worse- that I'm tangled in some kind of unsavory black magic.

Could C ever truly appreciate the complex fates that brought me and my Muse together?

No matter. I told her that with hard work anything is possible, and gave her a stack of calculations to quintuple-check. Some secrets are best kept that way.






It occurs to me that if I must keep secrets from C, I might as well begin writing certain passages of this book in code. I aced Cryptology in college, so this will be fun! (At least for me. It would be deeply tedious and annoying for someone trying to decipher it.) It amuses me to think of their frustrating effort!

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