Pages 79+80

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What a relief to be out of the forest! The wild spinning of my compass told me we had nearly reached our destination, but I saw something very strange when we got there. Sleepily munching on the grass was a herd of cattle with the strangest spot patterns I'd ever seen.

Cow Circles

Is this a code? A language? Or some intergalactic teenager's idea of a prank?

Circles, spirals, & designs of otherworldly mathematical precision coat them from horns to hooves!

Eyes unusually dilated, as if from staring at an intensely bright light. Does this mean what I think it means?

The bucket of milk nearby seemed to emit a low hum. I would NOT drink that...

Staring directly at them makes me oddly dizzy.


One chewed on my book!


From a distance, it appeared that the patterns on these beasts were in some way linked. Could arranging the cows together reveal a giant message?

Unfortunately, such investigations would have to wait, as we had arrived at last at our destination.

Crash Site Omega

The site looked exactly the same as I had left it two years ago (referenced in Journal 2), with the ladder I had constructed leading down through the indefinite exhaust port. C was so excited when she saw it that she spit out her gum. We descended into the abyss together.

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