Pages 83+84

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The Gremloblin

fungi detail

Half-gremlin, half-goblin. Proof that some creatures should NOT interbreed. (See Leprecorn and the WereMaid {Journal 1}.)

It's hard to look at it, and even harder to say its name three times fast!

The creature is even uglier up close than I had expected.


As I was sketching, my g̶i̶r̶l̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶ fiancée became increasingly agitated. She cowered behind a tree (which was very unusual for her) and pleaded for me to move along. Just as I was telling her not to worry, the Hyperdrive, which I had thought was inactive, emitted an ear-piercing alarm from C's backpack! (Perhaps the altitude-based change in air pressure had kick-started it.) The Gremloblin awoke with a start, grabbed my fiancée with his enormous claws, and stared intently into C's eyes!



I was impressed to get such an amazing view of the elusive creature, but now was not the time for sketching! Hoping to startle the beast, I hurled my canteen at him, splashing him with water. A word of advice to future readers: when fighting a Gremloblin, use water...

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