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Woah! Me and Ford just got back from this BIG FIGHT with everyone's least favorite triangle: Bill Cipher!

Ford is upstairs collapsed from exhaustion while Fidds fixes his injuries- so I'll write this entry for him! An entry about a monster I call...


To most people he looked just like my brother. Even I was tricked at first! And I'm normally, like, SOOOO perceptive! But there's a few tips to tell the difference:

1) EYES- Look at him sideways and you can see a quick flash of scary CAT EYES (and not from the kind of cat you want to pet!)

2) HANDS- Chillingly cold. Is Ford technically "dead" while being possessed?

3) Unlike Ford, he actually smiles! But he smiles CONSTANTLY and way too hard. I'd never seen Ford's gums before this, and I never want to again.

4) PERSONALITY- INSANE. Jams forks into his arms, throws his body down the stairs, blinks one eye at a time. But he IS way more confident with boys. So, you know, plusses and minuses.

5) STYLE- Gotta give the guy props on this one. He wears this suit like a pro. Better posture than Ford, too.


CREEPIEST OF ALL, when Mabel was driving us  back home, I found THIS handwritten note on the floor in the car:

NOTE to self: Possessing people is hilarious! To think of all the sensations I've been missing out on- burning, stabbing, drowning. It's like a buffet tray of fun! Once I destroy that journal, I'll enjoy giving this body its grand finale- by throwing it off the water tower! Best of all, people will just think Sixer lost his mind, and his mental form will wander in the mindscape forever. Want to join him, Cresent?

I feel like a real jerk after all this. I totally ignored Ford's warnings, I took the original journal without asking, and worst of all, I was so obsessed with my play I didn't even notice Ford was possessed! I might never have known if Bella didn't bring her recorder to the play. (Note to self: thank her for that.) And I of all people should have known Ford was possessed- I possessed his body once, too (Hope I never see that swap carpet again.)

Ford, whenever you read this, I want you to know I'm sorry. And for the next week, IOU ice cream sandwiches, on me. -Stan.

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