Pages 247+248

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With his henchmen in disarray, I had what would probably be my only chance to attack Bill directly. Cipher sensed that, for once, momentum was not on his side, and so he retreated to something called the "Quadrangle of Qonfusion."


I only had minutes till Bill's forces regrouped, and it would take me hours to untangle the unreal architecture of his fortress.

Then I realized that in the Nightmare Realm, you did not need to follow the rules of physics, and I lunged right at him.

The moment I had worked towards and struggled for all those long years had finally come. I had Bill Cipher ok my crosshairs!

But at that moment, the entire Nightmare Realm shook as the portal was reactivated!!!

There was no time to question why or to curse my luck. Bill was incapacitated with laughter, but I needed to beat the rest of his hench-monsters to the portal or my home world would be invaded by Bill's forces.

I ran along the length of the Quadrangle, and as I approached the edge, I jumped up in the air while simultaneously tossing a concussion grenade behind me. The force of the blast catapulted me past Bill's demonic gang and through the portal.

The passage between the two dimensions collapsed behind me. I reentered the world of my youth to face a sister I had not seen in 30 years. My frustration was indescribable- once again, my sister's actions had sabotaged everything I had ever worked toward.

My resolve to defeat Bill has never been stronger.

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