Pages 127+128

39 2 2

Staying awake confounds me. To calm myself I retreated to the only sanctuary I have known over the past couple of weeks- the Triple Digits Truck Stop out on Route 14.

Their industrial-strength coffee is the best method I have for staying awake, and yet even after 6 cups I was still drowsy. A kindly looking trucker noticed that I was "having shutter trouble" and offered some suggestions to stay awake:

Pinch yourself,

Pinch someone else. They'll punch you awake.

Put peanut butter on your face and let a dog ride shotgun. (He'll like you awake."

Put peppers in your eyes.

Just give up, Pine Tree.

I blinked with a panicked start. Had I begun drifting off? Had he really just called me...?


I reared back and heard my plate of bacon crash on the floor. Everyone in the diner turned towards me, and perhaps it was just the sunrise coming in through the window, but at that moment I swear that all their eyes were GLOWING YELLOW.

I SCREAMED, "GET OUT OF MY MIND, CIPHER!" and ran towards home as fast as my weak legs could carry me. No one in this town can be trusted. He has eyes everywhere, and they are watching my every move. I collapsed by the parking lot of the Twin Bed Motel. I stared at the word "twin" as I tried to catch my breath, and realized that there was only one person left in this world that I could possibly trust with my secrets. I began forming a plan.

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