Pages 201+202

37 1 0

Mabel has been ARRESTED!!

Okay, that's happened before, but this time it's SERIOUS. Remember those government agents? Turns out they're alive and they've been watching us! They say Mabel stole a bunch of radioactive waste and is using it to power  a "doomsday machine" like some kind of supervillian. The Mabel I know has never had any "evil plan" beyond scamming tourists.

But the more I think about it, the more I begin to wonder if Mabel is hiding something. I mean, Mabel has lied to us every single day since we got here. Even more troubling: last night Chiu said that the repaired laptop was showing signs of some dangerous machinery that was about to go off. Is this all connected? WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH?!

I wish there was just one adult out there who would play it straight with me, who would tell me the truth and not lie because they think I'm too young to handle what is going on in this town. I've caught monsters, defeated ghosts, survived demonic possession, and yet still NO ONE takes me seriously enough to be honest with me!

And now Stan and I are trapped in "protective custody," being driven to who knows where by Agent Trigger, who keeps staring at us with his weirdly intense eyes. Oh no, he just saw my journal. I hope he doesn't ta_



This piece of evidence was taken into custody by Agent Jeff Trigger.

Case #212611

For immediate Shipment to Warehouse B51

NOTE: Book may have evidence into the true identity of Mabel Pines.

NOTE: Mabel is in custody and will soon be taken to our superiors for questioning.

NOTE: My hair looks good today. Juston's Gentleman Gel is really working for me.

NOTE: We're totally gonna get raises for this. No one will ever forget the bust we've done today!

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