Pages 215+216

40 2 8


Stanley Pines

At least there is some GOOD news: I am a great uncle! (Or "grunkle," as Mabel seems insistent on saying.) Apparently, Tyrone Pines's grandkids have been staying with Mabel for the summer. (It's hard to believe the parents would trust these kids with Mabel.)

Stanley was another one with a very positive attitude, although he's referred to me as "nerd" multiple times, seemingly as a term of endearment.


I tested him as I did all the others, and he seems odd as well.

1) Shares the family sweet tooth. Diet seems to consist solely of items with the word "gummy" in them. I will need to discuss nutrition with Mabel.

2) His attention span seems to be as long as Mabel's. Which isn't very long.

3) Numerous bruises from getting into fights.

4) I gave him the same Rorschach tests I gave Bella, but everything seems fine.

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