Pages 249+250

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Last night I awoke covered in sweat- and not just because I slept in my clothes. Bill Cipher had decided to pay my mind a visit once more. Although the metal plate I got installed in my head prevents Bill from being able to access my thoughts directly, he can still haunt my dreams. Last night, he appeared to me in a wheat field, cackling about the end of times and saying that I will be powerless to prevent his reign!

Our family, plus Bella and Fiddelford, are in danger, and I have to do something about it. I have been hesitant, however, to talk to the others about Bill (even Stanford, who I've grown to trust). I'd like to believe that this is out of a desire to protect them, but if I'm honest with myself, it's because I'm ashamed....


What would they think of me if they knew that it was my folly, my hubris, that conjured Bill in the first place? That he tricked me into creating the portal, and that the rift is a direct, physical reminder of the terrible deal I made so many years ago? Would Ford still look up to me- or would he just consider me a fool?

No, I need not tell them everything. Just enough for now. In the meantime, I have sent Bella on an errand to see if she can retrieve some unicorn hair to protect the Shack from Bill's influence. (Stanley and Fiddleford joined her.) It's a long shot, but it's worth a try.

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