Pages 243+244

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Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn toward the Institute. Luckily for this parallel Earth, I ran into Parallel Candy before encountering my parallel self. She quickly recognized that I was not her Dipper Pines, and had me detained by campus security.

I put up quite a fight, but when I finally calmed down, PC explained why she was holding me captive. A few years back, she had been leading a portal expedition to a particularly dangerous dimension when one of the security officers ran into his parallel self. As soon as they touched hands, the entire dimension began to warp and fizz with static. Candy and the rest of the team escaped back to their own dimension, but that officer was never heard from again. In fact, that whole dimension has ceased to exist.


As much as I might have wanted to revel in my parallel self's success, it was clear that there was literally no place for me in this dimension. Even if I could have stayed there for the rest of my days, my own conscious would not have allowed it. I still held onto the vow I had made close to 30 years earlier to destroy Bill Cipher.

When I mentioned my vendetta to PC, she began to play with her hands with agitation and excitement, the same way as my own Candy. Although her dimension was safe from Bill, she understood the threat Cipher posed to the wider multiverse. She was anxious to help in any way she could.

I showed her my unfinished Quantum Destabilizer- a weapon I was designing to blast Bill into nonexistence.

The problem was the power source. In all my travels since leaving Jheselbraum, I had never come across an element that had both the necessary power and the required stability.

PC suggested an element that she had discovered in the Paradox Dimension. It was inert when visible, but highly radioactive when hidden. She called it NowUSeeitNowUDontium.

After just a few days of tinkering and minor adjustments to my blaster's design, the Quantum Destabilizer was finally finished.

I was ready to face Bill.

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