Pages 237+238

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My quest to defeat Bill led me to a strange world that I mistakingly believed to be his birthplace:

The Two-Dimensional Dimension

A residential neighborhood in the 2-D world (a.k.a. Exwhylia) as seen from above. ("Above" being a direction that they know nothing of and does not exist.)

This drawing approximates how my 3-D body intersected with their 2-D universe. Looking at this picture, you might think me a god in their world- but not so much.


This is what the world of Exwhylia looked like to me while I was there.

-   -   -   -
A  B  C  D

My 3-D eyes were worthless in their 2-D world! There is no sky above them and no sun to bathe them in directional light and create shadows! But here's how the Exwhylians would interpret the objects above:

- A = ⚫ An upper-class circle.

- B = 🔺 A lowly triangle.

- C = ⬜ A building off in the distance.

- D = ✳ A leaf 5 inches from your face.

I believed Bill came from a similar world that was mysteriously destroyed. But how? I didn't have much time to investigate. The Exwhylians considered me to be an "Irregular" shape, which is vulgar in their society.

I was unable to explain myself, since my mouth was stuck outside their world, and I soon found myself under attack. Though small, the Exwhylians' bodies are razor-sharp, and several hundred of them began slicing into my head. Luckily, I was saved by one of the most extraordinary creatures I've ever encountered...

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