Pages 107+108

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An Encounter

I apologized profusely to C for another traumatic experience. I told her that once we complete the portal, all of this will have been worth it. We're almost there!

Pb Pxvh kdv zduqhg ph wkdw pb ildqfhh pdb qrw eh frpplwwhg wr wkh fdxvh. Kh wklqnv F lv qrw erog hqrxjk wr iroorz wkurxjk. L zruub kh pljkw eh uljkw.


We have nearly completed the portal and will soon be ready to test it, but we have several more long nights before our work will be ready.

I recently find myself frustrated by the necessity of sleep. Think- if the average person sleeps 8 hours a day, they will spend approximately one-third of their entire life asleep. What a waste! In this regard, I find myself especially jealous of my Muse. He has discussed with me at length the freedoms afforded to him by virtue of being a non-corporeal entity. He is free- truly free- from the physical and biological restraints of our world.

This past evening around midnight, it was my fiancée who first succumbed to fatigue. The 13 cups of coffee in had given her and record of frenzied pop music we were playing still weren't enough to keep her awake. She chided me- as she often does- for staying up too late. "Do not forget what happened to Icarus," she told me as she packed up her things and went upstairs.

"He didn't flap hard enough," I replied.

As endearing as C is, she sometimes frustrates me. I knew that if we needed to stay on schedule I would need to work at least another 3 hours. But as the minutes ticked by, I, too, began to feel fatigue's wretched powers pull on my eyelids.

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