Pages 143+144

43 2 1

June 7,

Something extra weird happened today at the Grand Unveiling of Mabel's Wax Museum of Mystery. I think I might have seen a ghost!

Mabel was telling some of her corny jokes and getting the standard audience reaction (dead silence), when I spotted a strange figure at the back of the crowd. He was bald and very pale- mostly gray and white. He was holding something in his hand, but I couldn't make it out. He suddenly ran towards the forest. There was a flash of light and he was gone.

I think he looked like this?

There is a large section on ghosts in the original journal that I need to read ASAP. I need to be prepared in case it appears again.

Also, I'm 90% certain that "Thompson Determined" is some sort of blob monster. Will have to investigate.


June 8,

Ok, this town just gets weirder and weirder!! Now someone has decapitated the male wax figure that Stan and Bella made of Mabel. Who would want to do that??

A jealous local artist? An ax murderer with poor eyesight? Some cursed "living wax figure"?

No. The idea of living wax figures is really dunb. I need to treat this like a real investigation!

June 9,

We solved the case!! It was... a group of living wax figures.

I sword-fought this unholy British wax maniac on the roof, and would have lost if the sun hadn't come up at the right time! Also in the group were Wax Nixon, Wax Coolio, and some old Wax Man with suspenders who makes me shudder just to think about. I'm going to be sleeping with a fireplace poker under my bed from now on.

NOTE- Could have SWORN I saw that ghost again!

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