Pages 173+174

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July 11,

Well, I guess I should've seen this coming- Graunty Mabel stole a dinosaur egg from the cavern. She's hoping to hatch it and make it into an attraction. I want to be mad at her messing with nature and all, but I'm actually kind of into it. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a pet baby dinosaur??!!

But the heating lamps she's using to hatch the egg are taking forever!! Tonight, Stan, Bella, and I are going to slip the egg under Mabel while she sleeps. (Fiddleford seems to have a phobia of dinosaurs now. Won't go near the egg.) She's got this whole creepy-old-lady humidity thing going.

July 12,

The egg hatched!! WE HAVE A BABY DINO!!!!! I think it's a compsognathus.

They grow no bigger than a chicken, and they're supposed to be pretty smart as far as dinosaurs go. One thing's for sure- Compy sure loves his "Mama Mabel." Little guy's been following Mabel around everywhere she goes.

Waddles- Mabel's pig- has taken to hiding in Stan's bed, which Stan and Bella actually love, because they can make constant "pig in a blanket" jokes.


July 14,

Turns out he's a bit too much like his Mama Mabel. He picks the pockets of all the tourists with his little beak and then scares them away with a squawk that I swear sounds like "no refunds." (I think he got that from Stan.) All this would be fine with Mabel if the little thief would share his ill-gotten gains. But he's gathered all his loot into a pile and sits on top of it like a dragon with a hoard of gold, hissing at anyone who comes near. (Bella hisses back at him.)

July 15,

It took a lot of effort, but we were finally able to catch Compy. Mabel tried to lure him into the cage with her gold watch. But it was like the dino could almost smell the fake gold plating. Mabel had to sweeten the pot with a couple of credit cards and a twenty-dollar bill before Compy would bite.

We've given him to Farmer Sprott. He's very comfortable handing "unusual livestock." Hope he keeps his valuables in a good strong safe.

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