Pages 261+262

46 1 0


August 25,

Stanford here! I can't believe that the journals are actually here. We saw Bill burn all 3 journals right in front of us!! But this morning, Ria found the journals lying in the woods, unharmed. Apparently, defeating Bill didn't just de-weird the town, it also restored many of the things he destroyed- including the journals!

But I'm getting ahead of myself again. Let me start over:

1) Bill came out of a rip in the sky and took over Gravity Falls.

2) Bill captured Dipper and turned him to gold.

3) Bill tried to trap Bella in a mind prison, and blew up Time Baby. (I wonder what ever happened to Blendin.... I hope he's ok.)

4) The town banded together to save Dipper and defeat Bill, and it was Fiddleford who figured out how. (For the record, Fidds, I'm totally not mad at you for writing in my journal. It's cool!) Chiu helped us out, too. It was a bit worrying having the two best giant robot builders working together, but they were on OUR side!

I don't know if she's gotten saner or crazier after the events of Weirdmageddon, but either way, she and Fidds have become bona fide heroes- and made the rest of us heroes in the process. No one else could have dreamed up...



The robot's fighting style was inspired by Ria's favorite anime, "Neon Crisis Revelations Angry Cute Girl: Annihilation." She kept requesting giving the robot a "Gun-Sword," but we told her that's... not a thing.

Totem Pole= surprisingly good plasma cannon.

Gobblewonker head (for nostalgia's sake.)

Extra power generated by Mult'ple Timez running on a treadmill.

We scavenged parts of the portal for the g̶l̶o̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶c̶r̶o̶t̶c̶h̶ "Power Core."

Foot scavenged from Buddy-Bot (Finally that thing came in handy!)

Dino Arm was Ria's idea, and I backed her up, because it seemed really cool. (Dino Sibs for LIFE!)

While Growling Grenda let the Shacktron into battle, our rescue team parachuted inside the Fearamid and unfroze Dipper. He told us that we all had a crucial role to play as part of...

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