Pages 41+42

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I feel myself weary from months of exhaustive research, and although I have found many incredible things, the Grand Unified Theory of Weirdness eludes me. I need to get away and clear my head before I can make any meaningful progress on my theory.

Local lumberjack "Girly" Wendy Corduroy owns a majestic cabin in the most remote part of the woods. It has been in her family for generations but sits unused. She hemmed and hawed when I asked to stay there for a few nights. But after paying her so handsomely for the construction of my own humble cottage, she was obliged to agree

She did, however, warn me to lock myself in my bedroom before the stroke of midnight or else risk losing "My Very Soul!" (sounds like she's been inhaling too much sawdust)

Off to the cabin for some rest and relaxation!

Were my eyes playing tricks on me? Must try not to think about this.

Gravity Falls Cemetery



Now I know why Wendy feared lending me this cabin: it is EXTREMELY haunted! But If there is one thing I know about ghosts, it is that they


Photographic proof!

Restless spirits are looking for someone to put them to rest.

Ectoplasm sample

I will simply conduct a quick seance and ask the ghost what it needs. Although forming a circle with only one person is pretty hard....

Don't be fooled by guys in sheets!


Rather than lay the spirit to rest, my seance summoned an untold number of his unearthly brethren! The ghostly sphere is so much more complicated than I ever imagined! Over the past two sleepless nights, I have been bedeviled by no less than 10 distinct varieties of phantom, each deadlier than the last.

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