Pages 181+182

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I just got a huge break. A HUGE BREAK!!!!

These super-serious government agents showed up today at the Shack! They started poking around and uttering phrases like "mysterious activity" and "conspiracy of paranormal origin." Man, they were speaking my language!!

Of course, Mabel gave them the brush-off and told me not to speak with them. But I've got to show them the journal. Once the three of us put our heads together, we'll crack the case of Gravity Falls wide open! And after that, who knows what the future might hold?


July 21,

The grand reopening after party was a total train wreck. There was a zombie attack (sorry, Powers and Trigger!) and Bella and Fidds became zombies! (We're in the middle of curing them right now.) But here's the real headline of the night: MABEL KNOWS ABOUT THE MAGIC!!!

She's known ALL ALONG! I mean, she'd have to be really stupid or actually blind not to have seen something after living in Gravity Falls for thirty years. But Stan and I both bought her "clueless old lady" routine.

She says that she was lying to protect us kids. Part of me thinks that there's got to be more to it than that. But Stan believes what Mabel told us, and I have to admit that she did kick a lot of zombie butt to keep us safe.

Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure that Stan is screwing up the potion to de-zombify Bella and Fidds right now.

There's no way the formula calls for whipped cream and boba balls.

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