Pages 145+146

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June 10,

It's 2 AM and I'm giving up. There's no way to trap the thing. I don't understand how it can move so fast without any legs.

Okay, I'm tired and being unclear. Let me start again at the start.

This is Stanford Pines, officially starting over.

It started right around lunch. Stan, Bella, Fiddleford and I had finished disposing of the wax figures. (There was a lot of melting involved. On the bright side, Stan has some new lumpy crayons to draw with!) Stan and I were watching TV and eating sandwiches when I heard something in the walls. A familiar voice came through the vent, mumbling about an "exclusive interview" with a possum that was "coming up next."

That's when I knew that SOMETHING WAX HAD SURVIVED.

I tried to convince Stan to join me in finding it, but he was busy trying out his new crayon set (he invented a new color called "BLORANGURPLE") while watching fighting shows on TV, so I knew he was lost.

I knew that I WAS ON MY OWN!


I needed to go into the air-conditioning vents, but I wasn't going in unprepared.

I said goodbye to Stan and jumped into the living room vent. The glow from the television quickly faded as I shinnied down the duct. I turned on my flashlight and was stunned to see a maze of corridors.

I could hear the creature's voice coming from above and to the left. "They took me out of Brooklyn, but they couldn't take Brooklyn out of me." I followed it, dropping bits of bread from my sandwich so I wouldn't get lost. The duct got really narrow, but I was able to make it through. Just as I reached the top, I dropped the flashlight down the hole. I was left in complete darkness.

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