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Finally, we reached the top of Gravity Peak and made camp for the night. As we stared up at Gravity Falls' beautiful and strange constellation patterns, we found ourselves discussing our future just as we did when we first became a couple. C said that once our project was complete, her dream was to become an independent inventor, patenting robotics that would improve the human being.

I discussed my dreams of proving my theory. We could finally leave Gravity Falls, return to my home on the West Coast, & publish my findings to the world. I'd be the toast of the scientific community, rubbing elbows with presidents and prizewinners, debating politics with Reagan, and discussing vest fashion tips with Carl Sagan. Imagine the look on the dean of East Coast Tech's face when he saw that the student he refused was now the next Einstein! Imagine how proud my family and hometown would be: The "Freak" would return a hero!


C seemed puzzled by the scope of my plans. I had already discovered so many amazing things and recorded them in the journals- was this "Grand Theory" even necessary? Why not publish now, settle down, start a family together? (More on this in a moment) I explained that once Gravity Falls is revealed to the world, it would surely create a "Weirdness Rush" of scientists flocking to the town. If I don't discover the theory first, surely one of them will- and my name would be lost to the history books. It hasn't been an easy path, but I prefer the road less traveled anyway. Although I told C that I was grateful to be traveling it with such an amazing girlfriend...

And possibly soon-to-be wife?

Yes! It's been a long time coming, but I finally proposed to C! She was ecstatic by my proposal and instantly said yes! I felt so relieved and happy. It was a brilliant night.


C's favorite is mints. Eats them all the time. But I always feel like the face is staring at me.

R̶e̶m̶i̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶c̶a̶m̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶s̶i̶s̶t̶e̶r̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶o̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶t̶o̶.̶.̶.̶.̶

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