Pages 189+190

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'Sup, dudes! Ria here! Just had a nutzoid experience with a terrifying digital dude-monster named Rumble.

Since I'm the only one who got to know him all up close and personal, Ford asked me to write this journal entry. I'll do my best, dude!

I bought Rumble (short for "Rumble Fracas Melee Fisticuffs Slapfight McSkirmish") as a dating sim at BeeplyBoob's Videogames to teach me how to talk to guys better.



1) GRAPHICS: Pretty nice, dude! I dig his rad red bandana, and his muscles were really hot!

2) GAMEPLAY: PROS- It was fun eating lunch with him, having him carry my books, and watching him try on outfits!
CONS- He tried to murder me! Ha ha!

3) MULTIPLAYER: Not good. The moment I introduced a second player (Micheal- super rad dude, by the way), Rumble flew into a jealous rage! Real talk- the multiplayer mode is way better in Plumber Brothers Moustache- Kart 64.

4) HIDDEN CONTENT: I guess he was originally some kind of accidental A.I. that murdered his programmers and has been searching for someone to love him or die ever since. Guys are complicated, dude!

Judging the experience overall, I bought this game to get better at talking to boys, and you know what? It actually worked! So I would give this game a Ria-Rating of 4 out of 5 pudding cups. Rated "E" for "EEEEEEK! He's gonna kill me!"

I do kinda feel bad about throwing his CD-ROM in the pizza oven to defeat him. I really think he's a sweet guy when he's not in murder mode. I hope he's not like, you know, dead!

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