Pages 59+60

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A triangular superstructure will best absorb the operating force.

The central lens requires an alloy made of cobalt, titanium, and molybdenum.

The purist in me wants to build the machine from scratch. But given my time and financial constraints, it does not seem feasible. I will need to borrow certain elements from the resource I have turned to in years past for my more ambitious projects.


Seismic readings indicate that Crash Site Omega is still geologically stable enough for the removal of large amounts of material. But if my initial calculations are correct, then I may need to remove whole pieces of machinery, and damage the actual hull. Further study is needed before I shall proceed.

The instructions to power this will be far too dangerous to put in one place.

I may need to separate them throughout my journals to be safe. The enormity of this task begins to overwhelm me.

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