Fade (Tord X Yandere! Reader)

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(Y/E/N) = Your Enemy's Name                                                                                                                                         (E/L/N) = Enemy's Last Name

Tord's POV

  It's been years since I met (Y/N) in 6th grade. She was sweet and kind, yet not the smartest girl in school. One thing was for sure, she was tough. Whenever a kid was mean to me or her, (Y/N) would downright destroy them. Though, after 8th grade, we drifted apart. She had her group of friends, and I had mine. That's when I met Edd, Tom, and Matt. Though, little did I know, (Y/N) and I didn't fade.

  I thought that ever since me and (Y/N) went out separated, I thought that she forgot about me. I didn't know that she would often watch me and see how my life was going. I realized this happened a couple months ago.

- 3 Months Prior -

(Y/N)'s POV

  Tord was safe inside his bed, asleep and safe. I crawled in silently to read his diary, which was sprawled out on his desk. I flipped the page to today's date. I read it silently and carefully:

  Dear Diary,

  Today, I asked out (Y/E/N), and she said yes! I'm so happy, that I might just cry. Well, that's all for today. Hopefully I'll have more tomorrow.

  My face contorted to the definition of pain and horror. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a knife. I knew (Y/E/N)'s place very well, and hopefully well enough to get in unnoticed. I crawled out of Tord's window and began walking down the street. I began singing 'You Belong To Me'.

  I skipped delicately down the cracked sidewalk, singing happily as I imagined Tord being all mine.

  "I know you belong to somebody new, but tonight, you belong to me," I continued to skip, until I got to a street, and walked across safely.

  "Although we're apart, you're part of my heart, and tonight, you belong to me!" I hummed as I got the (Y/E/N)'s neighborhood.

  "Way down by the stream, how sweet it will seem once more just to dream in the moonlight," I make my way down to her doorstep, and begin hoisting myself to her windowsill.

  "My honey I know with the dawn that you will be gone, but tonight you belong to me!" I sang as I peered in on (Y/E/N), sleeping. I open the window and crawl in.

  "Lay down, lay down along the stream. How very, very sweet it would seem once more just to dream in the silvery moonlight," I continued as I walked over to her bedside.

  "My honey I know with the dawn that you will be gone, but tonight, you belong to me. Just to little old me!" I finished as I took my knife and dug it into her chest. She awoke with a start, and tried to scream. Yet, I covered her mouth and shoved the rest of the knife into her heart, causing her to die instantly. I grin as I pull the weapon out and climb out the window. The next morning, there would be a surprise for us all.

- The Next Morning -

  I stretched in my bed, the sunlight grinning on me. Then I hear my mother's voice.

  "(Y/N), come see this!" she yells. Her voice was shivering, and I knew why. I walked to the living room and saw my parents watching TV. It showed a woman crying over (Y/E/N)'s bed, with (Y/E/N) still laying in it with her wounds tended to. My mother's eyes were glued to the TV as my father was watching intently, yet sneaking looks at his watch hoping not to be late for work.

  "This morning, Mrs. (E/L/N) found her daughter, (Y/E/N) (E/L/N), dead in her bed with wounds to her chest. Police have yet to find any evidence on who is was and why," the reported stated. My mother looked at me. I tried my best to fake a look of fear and grief. It must've been convincing if my mother believed it.

  "I know, it's horrible. That poor mother, finding her daughter murdered. I wonder who did it," she pondered aloud. I turned and began to walk down the hall.

  "Well, I'm going to prepare for school," I told her, yet she got up and stopped me.

  "(Y/E/N) was from your school, so there is no school today for mourning and safety purposes," my mother told me. I nodded, but continued down the hall.

  "Hey, can I go to Tord's place?" I asked as I opened my bedroom door.

  "Are you going to be alright?" my mother asked. I nodded and went into my room. "Alright, then. Just stay safe," she warned. Once I was ready, I headed over. I played 'True Love Restraint' on my iPod and walked to Tord's house, singing along.

  "I have this uncontrollable impluse, it's just I want you all to myself," I began as I opened the door. I began walking down the street as it continued.

  "To you, my dearest beloved, you belong to only me, so tell me what it is you're after. Is 'to be loved' your only answer?" I sing along as I walked the busy street, watching the people hustle around me, until I get to an intersession.

  "Then you'll be happy if you're loved by me. Isn't that so?" I continue as I cross the street, ignoring people's stares.

  "How about I take your lips right off your handsome face? Oh, to do this, so that I'm the only one who can ever have your lovely kiss," I start skipping towards Tord's house, which is still a couple blocks away.

  "So hurry up and answer all of the above, who the hell's the only person with whom you're in love? It's me, isn't it? I know that it's me, since there's no one else that it could ever be!" I turn the corner and begin walking again.

  "Is there still a reason you can't give me an answer? Could it be that there are some other women you're after? Oh yeah, that's right, there aren't any others, you see?" I stop for a moment to wave to some passerby and continue.

  "So hurry up and say it, that you love only me," I sing as I cross the street again, and turn sharply.

  "So now, who is that you look at? It should be me, do you not know that? 'Cause after all you are my one and only love, that's why. I want to gouge out both your handsome and innocent eyes, just me being reflected in your heart would be pretty nice," The sidewalk seems to go on forever until train tracks cut it in half. A train speeds by as I resume.

  "Hey, could you please answer all of the above? Who the only person with whom you are in love? It's me, isn't it? I'm right as it should be, since I won't allow it to be anyone but me," The train ends and I cross.

  "Who is it preventing you from giving the truth? All of those who interfere with us must all be removed. Everyone, everyone, anyone who tries to get in our way. Look, everything is fine now, so your feelings you can say," I walk down the street, until I get to Tord's neighborhood.

  "I won't ever hand you off to anyone else. Let's always be together with just you and myself. Hey, hey, hey, where are you going? I'm never allowing you leave again, okay? If I kill you right here right now where nobody knows then I wonder if I could make you mine all alone? Wouldn't that be the thing that makes me the happiest, after all?" I continue as I grow close to Tord's house.

  "Because I love you more than anyone or anything at all!" I finished as I reach Tord's front doorstep. I stop and knock, then Tord opens. He was crying, and he lets me in. We rekindle our friendship, and I make him fall for me.

Tord's POV

- 3 Months Later - 

  I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she agreed. I made her the happiest yandere alive. I only ever found out she killed (Y/E/N) when she told me after dating for 2 months. I didn't reject her, though I was sad. I'm only telling you this, because I need to tell her story, before someone becomes a victim.

(A/N: Creepy ending! Comment if THIS should have a part 2!)

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