Prince of the West (Prince Matthew X Sheriff! Reader)

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Requested by: MostWantedHero

(Gender neutral - and I tried! Yay!)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I sighed heavily as I stood outside Eduardo's hideout and cocked my gun. Here we go again, I thought. Prince Matthew had gotten kidnapped... again. I walked carefully to the door and my jacket billowed around my legs heavily. Dirt and dust caked my clothing as I slowly pressed my fingers against the door, nudging it to a peaceful opening. I heard struggling from upstairs, and it clicked; Prince Matthew was fighting back. Well, he always did, but fails.

  Thinking of the beautiful, clever, and bold prince made my heart light on fire. I chuckled as I pressed on quietly into the building. I remember his flirty presonality, flamboiant attitude, and desire for attention when Sheriff Thomspon left me in charge of Spitbucket. Since then, Prince Matthew visited a lot to check in on me. He isn't very careful, though, considering his constant kidnappings.

  Usually, one kidnapping would drive even Sheriff Thompson insane. Yet, Prince Matthew escaped custody repeatedly with only a cliché story to tell his lady friends. Then, my absent minded tomfoolery ended. My heart sunk at those words; 'his lady friends'. Prince Matt already had gal-pals at his beck and call. I would never compete with their devillishly good looks, expesnsive education, and pleasing atire for eye-candy. My tangled (h/c) hair, average intelect, and dusty coat for fashion made it like trying to compare pure-bred mustangs to a common mule.

  Then, before I could endulge further into my gloomy observations, I heard Juan and Eduardo's voices from the planks above my head. I smirked mutely as I realized I was still undetected. Those fools won't know what hit them right in their Spanish skulls, I spat mentally, my love-life issue overwith. I hurried to a staircase beside the wall. It's weathered steps creeked heavily, so I avoided the centers of the staircase. I heard Eduardo's monolouging pause; therefore, so did my feet.

  "Hear that?" A thick, Brooklyn accent hushed the dark laughs and Spanish chimes. My breath hitched and my heart raced.

  "Hear what, Eduardo?" A high-pitched, English accent - belonging to Juan - pressed. I smiled a both his innocence and ignorance at my whereabouts.

  "Footsteps, ya' idiot! Someone is downstairs!" Eduardo hissed silently as heavy thumps above my head reached out unspokenly towards the eerie staircase. I panicked, and drew my gun. It was already cocked and loaded, so noise was unnessaccary. Then, a boot appeared ahead of me. It's owner didn't see me.

  Reflex kicked in as I pulled the heavy trigger. A bullet whizzed through the air, whistling as it went. Before the boot could be pulled up, a sharp yelp signaled that the bullet peirced his leg. Eduardo's pained yelling led to cussing. I fought a giggle as Prince Matthew insisted on scolding Eduardo for his language. As sheriff's instinct, I shouted in the most intimidating tone I could muster.

  "Eduardo O'Neil, you are under arrest for kidnapping!"

  "You should get arrested for assult, you little-!" Eduardo snarled painfully as he clutched his bleeding leg.

  "I panicked!" I responded. Before I could plead my case farther, a familiar red-headed Prince called for me. I liked the sound of my name on his tongue. It rolled off softly, like the purr of a kitten, or the cussing of an injured bandit. I was falling back into la-la-land as I heard him call again. No, not Eduardo - Prince Matthew.

  "(Y/N)! Thank lord you're here! I knew I was safe!" He chirped. My heart fluttered as he said those words. He feels safe around me, my mind purred. Though, I was snapped back to the gravity of the situation when Eduardo growled lowly.

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