Bleeding Hearts (Red Leader X Scared! Solider! Reader)

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❤Valentines Day Special❤

Third Person's POV

  The battle was gruesome. Blood was everywhere, soldiers from the British Army where closing in, and friends you grew to love like family lay dead around you. You could barely think when you ran from the battle back to base, to tell the terrified leader about the fight.

-1 Hour-

(Y/N)'s POV

  I woke up on a bed in the medical room. A very worried man stood above me. I recognized that handsome gray eye, soft brown hair, and bandaged face. The Red Leader was sitting next to my bed, crying.

  "Thank god you're okay," he choked. I smiled lightly, only for pain to shoot across my body. The Red Leader saw my tension from the pain and flinched. "D-don't move. You're hurt," I stared at him, fear clouding my eyes. I began to cry, pain raking my body as I shook. Sobs trickled from my lips, and the Red Leader began to look helpless.

  "What happened....?" I cried loudly. The Red Leader smiled lightly to try to calm me down.

  "We lost the battle. Almost every single soldier died. You were the only female soldier who lived," he chuckled sadly, and I could tell that hurt badly for him. "You're strong, soldier," I began to cry again.

  "No, I'm not!" I yelped in pain as I trembled. I looked at Red Leader pitifully. My sobbing was hard and painful, yet relieving, until arms wrapped around my, and tears soaked my bloody uniform.

  "You are strong! Shut it, soldier!" he burst. I watched in disbelief as he hugged me tightly, crying his head off. He's is taking this really hard, I thought sadly. He lost about 30% of his men in that battle, and now his only surviving female soldier from that said battle is telling him she is not strong enough to serve him. Yet, I watched as he kept thundering into my chest. "You are precious to me, and you saying you're not strong is like telling me I'm not strong!"

  "Red Leader I didn't mean it like that," I whispered. He began to look up, and wiped the damp tears from his face. He smiled lightly at my face, which I could tell was softened with worry and concern for the Red Leader.

  "I know. I'm sorry, soldier. I should learn to hold my emotions better," he replied coolly as he rid of the evidence that he cried. I giggled lightly as he smoothed out his uniform and ran his fingers through his horn-shaped hair. I suddenly wanted to pet it, and it looked so soft. Red Leader caught me staring and smirked lightly.

  "W-what is it, sir?" I stuttered. He turned toward me, and I tensed for his reaction. His smirk remained. I became more confused when he leaned towards me.

  "You like what you see, soldier?" he purred. I blushed furiously and I hid my reddened face under the blanket of the hospital bed.

  "I-it's not l-like that s-sir..." I stuttered. I hated myself for that. Yet, Red Leader's smirk grew.

  "Call me Tord," He whispered. Afterwards, he leaned closer and kissed me. I sat there, flustered, as Tord lifted himself back up and left the room, grinning from ear to ear.

  "You're a good soldier. A good-looking one," he flirted as his blue jacket disappeared from the door frame. I tried to calm my blazing cheeks, while thinking over what just happened. Once everything was thought over, I smiled at the door. I then looked back at myself. I flopped against my pillow, causing my nerves to screech in pain. I flinched, and adjusted my position to fit my physical status. Yet, once I was comfortable, I couldn't stop thinking of the very fact I just learned.

  "Tord likes me..."

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