Believer (Red Leader X Heartbroken! Soldier! Reader)

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(Y/N)'s POV

  The whole battle field was covered in thick, sticky blood. Bodies littered the grass, blood no longer flowing. I flinched from the scene laid before me as I counted our dead. I reminded myself of our current total: 65. Not a lot of people compared to our army. The enemy, though, had a total of 1,032 dead. I grinned when I heard that number, 'cause I remember killing 46 soldiers in the battle.

  Though, as I counted the last of the deceased, I noticed something. My whole body shook as tears threatened to spill. There, on the grass, laid my boyfriend. He was dead, due to a sharp object spearing his heart. I only joined this army for him. If he was gone, I had no reason to stay, but the army needed me. With so many dead, I can't leave!

  "Soldier (L/N)? Are you alright?" a thick Norwegian accent interrupted my mental break down. I shook my head left to right vigorously. The man who asked, the Red Leader, looked down and gasped at the body. He got on his knees beside me and hugged me. I was surprised by this action, but it was welcome. I hugged him back as his robotic arm started to run it's finger's through my hair.

  "S-sir... what would you do if I resigned?" I asked suddenly. The Red Leader looked down at me, shocked.

  "You want to leave?" he asked, a bit startled. I nodded, burying my face in his chest. He had to understand. My boyfriend just died. I don't want to stay. I want to go home and mourn properly, not from an army base. Though, I only heard his battered breathing. Not a single word, until...

  "You can't leave me. Not yet, soldier. Trust me, you can mourn properly. You won't be sent on missions for a month, if you want. But, you can't leave yet. I need you," he sighed. I forced a smile and nodded.

  Why would he let you go? Like he said, he needs you. He can't let you leave, my mind yelled at me. I decided not to dwell on anything, so I got up and started walking back to the base. My mind was absent as all I wanted to do was walk. All I wanted was to get away from his corpse.

  "Soldier, where are you going?" yelled the Red Leader. I kept walking. His voice grew fainter with each step. That's how I wanted it. That was until I reached the doors and I was halted by Paul and Patryk. The Red Leader's most trusted soldiers and pilots were waiting for me.

  "Soldier (Y/N) (L/N), Red Leader just radioed us saying that he was looking for you. He is still on the battle field. Even for him, not having at least one soldier with him is dangerous. He needs you out there, stat," Paul barked. I growled at him, a terrifying expression on my face.

  "I don't care. If you do, then go out there yourselves. I need to mourn. My boyfriend just got killed and I need my privacy," I spat at the two men. I barged past them, going to my hanger to think. I needed to mourn. I needed to cry.

Tord's POV

  The smile was forced. I know it was. But, why she just leave? I tried to comfort her, but she wouldn't except it. But, I can't let her leave me! I grew to love her since she started in the army. Personally, I was kind of glad that the man before me was dead.

  I looked down the end of the field that (Y/N) left. My heart ached and my head pounded. I wanted to be near (Y/N). I sighed heavily, getting up to go back home. That was before I heard a low chuckle. A dangerous one.

  "Hello, Commie," Blue Leader Tom spat. I growled as I turned to face him. His black eyes were filled with anger and danger. All the sadness I felt prior to now had left. I drew my gun and aimed at Tom. But, he was quicker and more prepared. He shot me in the stomach, blood oozing and showering from my wound.

  I screamed as Tom laughed mechanically. He put his gun away, walking over to me. He stared me down like a predator at wounded prey. Though, I wasn't going to be prey without a fight. So, every time he got remotely close, I tried to bite him. Tom just chuckled at my vain attempts.

  "What is this? Commie is hurt? Do you need some hentai for your wait?" he asked in a fake act of innocence. I glared at him as a he pulled a hentai magazine out of my pocket and placing it in front of me.

  "What do you want from me?" I snarled, my thick Norwegian accent deepening the intimidation. Tom just chuckled lightly at my wounded figure. He poked his finger into my cheek like I did years ago. He was taunting me. I was infuriated.

  "Classic, stupid Tord. Don't you know? I don't want nothing from you. I want you to die," he hissed lowly. I watched as he got up and walked away. I sat there, bleeding heavily, as I heard Paul and Patryk's screaming from the other side of the battlefield.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N's) POV

  I was sitting in the hospital wing waiting for Red Leader to wake up. The wound knocked him out and he was now flowing in and out of a comma. Many soldiers were afraid, but, Paul upheld the army while our true leader was down. I sat at his bedside, trying to fight back tears. Two men in my life are leaving me, I sobbed in the privacy of my thoughts.

  Then, Paul walked in, wiping his brow. He sat beside me without saying a word. I was about to leave, until Paul put his hand on my shoulder. I remained seated, and watched Red Leader's chest heave up and down, the steady breathing and beating of his heart reassuring the army every day. Tears started to drip onto his already soaked bandages. Paul looked up at me as I cried. He didn't know what to do. Neither did I.

  "Th-this is my fault..." I cried. Paul watched me sympathetically. He rubbed my back but I swatted it away. Then I remembered doing the same to Red Leader. I cried harder.

  "It's not your fault. It's Tom's fault. You don't deserve the blame," he tried to soothe me.

  "Lies..." I growled. He stared at me. "Lies! I am the one who he stayed out there for. I am the one who abandoned him. I am the one who refused to see him in his time of need. I am the one who will eventually kill him," I burst as all my previous emotions tumbled out.

  "No..." a thick Norwegian voice interrupted me. I was startled, and so was Paul.

  "T-Tord..?" Paul gasped. The Red Leader smiled and nodded. Tord was his name. The Red Leader sat up, careful not to hurt his wound - and failed miserably. He gasped as pain shot through him and Paul went to his side.

  "I-I'm fine... Paul," he coughed. Paul smiled. Tord looked at me. "Can we be alone for a minute?" he asked. The pilot nodded and left.

  "What do you need, sir?" I asked. The Red Leader smiled.

  "You're love. Soldier, I have grown to have deeper emotions for you than just 'like', (Y/N)," he purred. My heart skipped a beat. He said my name. A rare luxury that a soldier - that wasn't Paul or Patryk - would have.

  "S-sir... I-"

  "I know you recently lost your boyfriend to the tragedies of war, but I need you more than he ever could. I was afraid to tell you this prior, but I caught him flirting with female soldiers while you dated. It killed me inside to see him betray you," he whispered. I was shocked. He... didn't do that... right?

  "Red Leader, I don't know how to feel about this..."

  "Call me Tord," he smiled. Before I could think it through, our lips collided in a soft, sweet kiss. We pulled away quickly with the sudden realization of what I did.

  "I'm so sorry, Tord, it's just-"

  "No need to be sorry, (Y/N). I would like another, actually," he grinned. I flushed as only one thought registered. This is the start of a beautiful relationship.

(I wrote half of this on my new phone. Ya proud of me??)

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