Dance the Depression Away (Tord X Depressed! Reader)

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(Requested by TheWorldBoresMe.)

  (Y/N)'s POV

  My backless, (f/c) dress pooled around my feet as I groaned. Edd had dragged all of us to a dance. It was bad enough that I was constantly dealing with depression. But now, I have to deal with anxiety. Much of my depression was caused by how I thought I looked and acted to others. I always asked myself what I was doing wrong.

  Yet, Tord didn't make me feel like that. He made me feel brave, strong, and independent, to the point that I was dependant on him. If he were to tell me I mattered to him, I would not rely so heavily on his mere presence. Yet, so far, he was mute as ever. Few words were ever spoken to me, as if he didn't care. I was constantly worried about what he thought of me.

  But, I digress. Today, we were going to a dance at Edd's persistence- I mean, invitation. I didn't want to go, but Tord would be there, so I would go anyways. At least his soft eyes would sparkle with the light of the fairy lights strung around the room. Though, I didn't know what the dance was for. Edd never told us.

I awed at the beautiful room as me and four boys entered the room

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I awed at the beautiful room as me and four boys entered the room. Tom wore a blue, shiny suit that complimented his black eyes. Edd wore a green shirt with a cat tie. Matt wore a purple suit and tie and a large grin. But, it is impossible to describe Tord's outfit. It was stunning. He was stunning.

  I flushed at him, admiring his suit

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  I flushed at him, admiring his suit. The bright red looked good against his fairly tanned skin. It outlined his muscles, which I just now noticed. How can a man's physical strength be that easy to miss!? I finally got the courage to swipe myself away from him. The source of my strength; Tord's questioning gaze.

Tord's POV

  (Y/N)'s been skittish ever since we arrived at this dance. She keeps gawking at everything like she's never seen light before. She's also gawking at... me. After she ripped her (e/c) eyes away from me, my face began to match my suit. I mean, I have some small feelings for her. So, when I find her staring at my upper body, it kinda makes me feel flustered.

  We made our way to the dance floor where men in black suits and tuxedos danced with glamorous women in whites, greens, purples, blues, and pinks. I wondered whether I could find the food when I saw Edd walk up to the hostess. She wore a golden dress that looked straight outta Disney. I could imagine Belle wearing the same dress to her dance with the Beast. I turned to see the others flooding away. Matt found a squadron of women in pink and purple dresses to admire him. Tom saw all the vodka and wine across the room and headed over.

  (Y/N) stood as still as a stone next to me, he (f/c) dress licking at her ankles. After admiring (Y/N) for probably longer than I should, I walked off to find the food. Nothing else beside the taste of cheese and crackers could get my mind off the beautiful woman I just left behind. Yet, as I walked away like a coward, I felt a hissing sensation in my chest. It was like my heart was punishing me for leaving (Y/N) behind.

(Y/N)'s POV

  I watched sadly as Tord left me behind. It hurt a little to be abandoned, so I went to find something - or someone to consult with. That was when a man in a green suit walked up to me. He wore a mask over his face and his wavy brunette hair framed his mysterious mask. All I saw were his deep, brown eyes through the mask. A smirk curled on his lips, revealing a sharp-toothed smile that reeked of Diet Cola.

  "Care to dance, Flower?"

  I politely declined, but the new-comer didn't like my answer. So he grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards him. He growled with a Brooklyn accent. It was deep and masculine, yet brutal and harsh. It sounded nothing like Tord's calm, relaxing, attractive accent.

  "Dance with me. Now," he commanded.

 Tord's POV

  I was walking back towards (Y/N) with a handful of snacks. I munched happily on cheese and crackers as women and teenage girls whistled at me from afar. Their high-pitched giggling and snide remarks about my appearance went unnoticed. All I wanted to hear was (Y/N)'s soft voice. It was going to be beautiful as always. That was when I heard the beautiful voice crying and screaming.

  "I said 'no'!"

  "You will dance with me, you ungrateful little-"

  Rage fueled my lungs, heart, and mind. I glared at the man - clearly Eduardo - trying to force (Y/N) into dancing with him. That was when I growled, catching his attention. A few spectators turned to watch. I snarled and stomped up to Eduardo. He seemed startled by my sudden appearance.

  "Hands off, friend. She is mine, and you can back off before you dance with broken feet," I hissed. (Y/Y)'s face lit up a bright red while Eduardo paled. He tried to pull away from my hands, whining. It's pathetic that he thinks he can run from me.

  "Don't touch my love again, or there will be dire consequences,"

  I watched him run off like the coward he is before a soft hand alerted me. (Y/N)'s fingers intertwined with mine. Her hands were small, petite, and precious. I couldn't help myself but to lift it to my lips and kiss it. Our faces went red before she turned to me in confusion.

  "Why did you say that? You don't mean a word of it, don't you?"

  "No, it's the truth. And truth is, I love you."

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