Grounded (Tom X Winged! Reader)

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(Requested by TheShipper83. They are an amazing person who has followed my stories for a while. This will be my last request.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  Darkness consumed my room as I watched the moon. My (f/c) wings spread out behind me. The soft light radiating from the moon was gentle on them. I opened the window to where I could easily jump out. Grabbing the windowsill, I leap out into the night air. Feathers float around me as my wings unfold, catching me. I flew in the cold night sky, and I sigh joyously. The sun wouldn't come up for hours.

  A few hours of flying won't worry anyone.

Tom's POV

  My blackened eyes wander the sky. I loved watching the moon. There was nothing else to do. I couldn't sleep, and especially not tonight. Tomorrow was going to be a disaster.

  I wanted to tell (Y/N) how I felt, knowing she would reject me. It was impossible not to. Just wanted to try, though. Getting it off my chest will be good. I sigh as I watch the horizon, only for my eyes to widen. W-was... was that..?

  (Y/N)? She was riding the sky like a boat on water. Large, feathery (f/c) wings let her float upon the clouds. I was awed by her grace and beauty. She was flying into the distance, away from me. This I could not allow.

  I ran downstairs, not caring who I woke up. Stealing the keys away from the kitchen table, I jump into the car. Revving the engine, I followed (Y/N). If only I could fly, too. Then, for paranoia sake, I look into a nearby street sewer on the side of the road. I narrow my eyes and mutter.

  "I said fly, not float, got it?" I mumble. And with that, I drove off. I heard the soft beats of wings. I look up to see (Y/N) lowering from the gentle air. They were landing in the middle of a park. I got out of the small car and followed them on foot.

  I heard crunching in front of me. That made me run faster. Then I contemplated. What if it wasn't (Y/N)? What if it was a killer hiding in the bushes? I narrow my eyes and grab a nearby shard of glass within a trash can for protection.

(Y/N)'s POV

  Footsteps echoed behind me. I turned and peeked through the branches and leaves. Shock flooded me at what I saw. Tom was approaching, his eyes narrowed and cautious with a shard of broken glass in hand, held like a weapon. I started tearing up, thinking he saw me and came to confront me about the wings. I never wanted him to know.

  Now how could he love me? I hide deeper in the bushes. He stiffens and holds the glass out farther. His eyes seem to dart back and forth, taking in the early morning scene. That's when he sighs and look back into the bushes. His eyes were softer and kind as he dropped the glass.

  "(Y/N)?" he asked gently. I loved how he said it. His voice was soft and careful. His eyes seemed to shine with the moon's beauty. His usually dark and dull appearance looked kind and pleasant in the dark. Maybe even handsome.

  Okay, scratch that, definitely handsome. I watch as he weaves through the branches. His gentle hands parted each leaf with care. Soon enough, he touches my arm. His hands go from careful, to sweet and gentle. He pulls me slowly from the trees and he smiles upon seeing me, with my wings folded behind me.

  "Wings. I would've never guessed. They look good on you," he purrs. I smile and hug him. Like the dork he is, he just blushes madly before hugging back slowly. Classic, stupid Tom.

  "Come one, let's get out of here," I smile. He grins and goes towards the car. Opening the door for me, I climb in. Tom sits in the driver's seat. He starts the engine and drives us home. I watch the sky turn lighter. I guess I didn't have hours to fly.

  We got home and Tom helped me into the house. Edd was already awake and making breakfast. Good thing I hid my wings before walking in. Edd looks up at me and Tom and grins. He puts breakfast on pause as he wanders over.

  "So, you finally told her?" he asked. Tom turns bright red. It was adorable to see him blush. He starts stuttering like a child whom was learning to speak. He finally held me close and kissed me. My eyes widen as Tom looks into them.

  "I love you, (Y/N). No matter what, I always will. That's what Edd was saying. I wanted to confess to you. Even though you won't accept me," he adds sadly. I held his cheek in my palm, and he leans against it. His frown was enough to make me sigh and kiss him.

  "I love you, too," I purr. Tom's face brightened as he held me close. Edd left the room chuckling. Me and Tom just stood there for a few minutes. We didn't care if the guys saw us. We shared another sweet kiss, and Tom grins.

  "Now, you're grounded for tonight,"


  "Because you need to cuddle me,"

  "Fair enough,"

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