Home (Mark X Alcoholic! Reader)

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(A/N: I don't know why I'm writing this. To make this easier on myself, I'm in here. It reveals more about me. 'My House' belongs to Flo Rida.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  It was a cold, rainy day. I sat in my house, until I got a text message from my friend, Mark. He was a nice guy, but he lived with not the greatest person - Eduardo. What I don't get is how Mark's house-mate, Amelia, even likes him, let alone threaten to stab you if you go near him. Yet, me and Amelia were friends, and neither of us minded each others weird tastes. For example, she is obsessed over this creepy game called Tattletail.

  Oh, right, back to the text message. I opened up my messages, and saw a text from Mark:

Mark: Hey, (Y/N). You wanna come over? Amelia forced Eduardo to come with her to get Taco Bell(My favorite restaurant, by the way), and Jon is visiting his mom.

I text back, and smile. I always liked Mark, which is another thing I don't understand about Amelia. She always seemed to have a problem with him, yet she never specified why or showed it towards Mark.

(Y/N): Sure! I'd love to come over, just as long as you got the alcohol :P

Yep, alcohol. That was my problem. I accidentally had a little when I was younger, and I got hooked. I had it often after I turned 21.

Mark: Seriously? Okay, I got it. Since when would Eduardo NOT have alcohol in the house?

There it was. Mark always teased I should've liked Eduardo more since we both liked alcohol so much, yet that was it. Yet, I put on my (F/C) hoodie, and walked to Mark's house.

- At the House -

  Mark opened the door and smiled. He let me in, and I walked on in. I heard a speaker somewhere in the house blast 'My House' by Flo Rida, and Mark blushed of embarrassment.

  "Sorry, I just like that song," he admitted bashfully. I smiled, and sat on the couch.

  "It's all right, I like it, too," you insist. (If you don't like the song, then just pretend he's playing your favorite song.) Mark smiled again, and sat next to you, alcohol in one hand. You took it gratefully and began to drink.

- 1 Hour Later -

  I was drunk, Mark was making sure I was okay, and Amelia came home with Eduardo. I drunkenly asked Amelia why it takes over an hour to eat at Taco Bell. Eduardo sighed, and sat on the couch.

  "I dunno. I'm still surprised a girl that slim can eat that much that fast," he groaned with boredom. Amelia playfully elbowed him and chuckled.

  "Seriously, Eduardo?" she teased. She always said she was chubby. At 5'2", she was just 144 lbs, and she looked like she kept in shape. Though, if you knew her, it was a fact she was lazy, and had unhealthy eating habits. She always drank soda and ate unhealthy foods all the time. She even has a stress eating problem.

  "Well, she does play basketball," Mark piped in. Then, Eduardo rested his head against the back of the couch.

  "I also couldn't help but notice she runs a lot, too. She nearly ran into three different cars!" Eduardo exclaimed. Amelia was not the most observant person, but she was clumsy and care-free. Two things that don't go well together. Though, despite the seriousness of it, Amelia laughed.

  "Yeah, I did!" she laughed hysterically. Soon, everyone was chuckling. Amelia's laugh was contagious. How could it not, when she sounded like a hyena.

(It's true. Watch this, I sound similar to this:)

  We stop laughing, and I get up.

  "Well, I need to get home," I tell them. Mark gets up, and follows me.

  "(Y/N), you're drunk. You need someone to go with you," he tells me. Amelia instantly perked.

  "Can I go!?" she chirped. More weird facts about her; she loves the dark. Especially when it's cold and/or raining. It's a good thing that watching horror games for all those years made her hard to scare.

  "Sure," Mark sighed boredly. The three of us left, and we kept talking.

- At (Y/N)'s House -

  I was finally home, so I went up to my front door, and go inside. Before I could, Mark stops me.

  "Hey, uh, (Y/N)?" he asked nervously. I cocked my head to the side, like a confused dog.

  "What, Mark?"

  "I just wanted to tell you..." he drifted off, but I knew what he meant. I leaned in and kissed him, and he was shocked. Yet, he kissed back. In the faint distance we could hear Amelia fake-gagging. We broke apart, and I smiled.

  "I like you, too," I stated, and went inside.

Mark's POV

  I walked from (Y/N)'s doorstep, grinning like an idiot. I came to Amelia - who was about a foot shorter than me - and saw her still fake-gagging. I sigh, yet smile.

  "You're so immature," I groan. Amelia chuckled as we walk away.

  " I did kinda think that was cute, though,"

(A/N: Lastly, the thing about drinking alcohol by accident when you were younger? That came from my life. On New Years eve, I accidentally thought my mom's wine was sparkling cider, so I poured myself some and drank a couple sips. Once I found out I drank wine, I was terrified. My mom said I had nothing to worry about, especially since I didn't actually like it. She was wrong. I woke up the next morning with a hangover. Yay! So, yeah, now you know me on a closer level.)

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