Loving Leaders (Red Leader X Leader! Reader)

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(Y/N)'s POV

  Everything was quiet, and everything was calm. I was walking down the hall, when a soldier burst from a door in front of me. He stops in front of me, and pants.

  "What is it, soldier?" I ask, worriedly.

  "(F/C other than Red) Leader, the Red Army is attacking our base!" he yelled. I was drawn aback, and I watched them breath heavily, stunned. I nod, and run to my office. I pull out a gun, and load it. I heard the door creak, and expected a soldier to walk in. I turned, and came face to face with a face I thought I would never see.

  The Red Leader...

  My heart was racing, and the man grinned. His eye patch was covered by his light brown bangs, while the other eye twinkled viciously.

  "Hello, (F/C other than Red) Leader. It's an honor to meet you," he purred poisonously. I growl, and point the gun at him.

  "Why are you invading?" I hiss. He chuckled, and lowered the tip of my gun.

  "What, I can't say hello to a fellow leader?" he asked. I shove my face towards his, enforcing my power and drilling fear and intimidation into him.

  "No, you can't," I growl through grinding teeth. The Red Leader chuckled, and pecked my lips. I blushed, and he pulled away, a smirk on his face.

  "Well, that's too bad. I always found you quite beautiful on the battle field," he sighed. I blush harder, and he must've noticed, due to his chuckle and red face.

  "Our armies are enemies, why would you come here just to flirt with me, unless it's a delusion to attack?" I contemplate. The Red Leader just laughed, and drew close again.

  "That's the thing; what if we became allies?" he asked. I stood there, staring at him, then shook my head.

  "You're kidding. You gotta be kidding," I mutter. He grinned and inched closer.

  "I'm not kidding, sweetheart~," his swooned. I inched back, and glared at him.

  "Why should I become allies with you? You killed my men, and injured hundreds more!" I spat. The Red Leader chuckled, and backed me against my desk. He sat his hands on the edge of the desk on either side of me, pinning me there.

  "Well, why shouldn't we?" he asked. I forced a frown on my face, when in reality, I kinda was swayed with his lust.

  "You're not trustworthy, for one, and I can't even begin on what next," I say. Though, what I really thought was that I had no other reason other than he wasn't trustworthy. Yet, then again, maybe he was. The Red Leader chuckled, and looked me in the eyes.

  "What's your name, sweetie?" he asked sweetly. I gulp, and blush slightly.

  "I am (F/C other than red) Leader (Y/N)," I state proudly, not giving away my fear. The Red Leader leaned forward, and smirked.

  "I'm Red Leader Tord, nice to meet you, (Y/N)," I watched in embarrassment as he looked me up and down, then back towards my face.

  "I will call for my soldiers if you don't back away," I growl. Tord howled with laughter, but just leaned in closer.

  "Are you sure about that, (Y/N)? Or is it a bluff, so that I don't notice your blush," he purrs. I bite my lip. He noticed, I thought fearfully.

  "No, it's not," I fight my stutter. Tord was so close now, that his lips where inches from mine.

  "It doesn't seem like you're telling the truth, (Y/N). You're face is redder than my army," he jokes. I look away to hide my face, only for Tord to pull my head back with his hand under my chin. "I know you're lying~,"

  "N-no I'm-," I blurted, yet Tord interrupted me with a kiss. I tensed with shock, yet I melted into it and kissed him back. We broke apart, and Tord smirked knowingly.

  "I told you you were~," he chuckled. I looked away, and pushed Tord off.

  "Red Leader Tord, please leave, or my soldiers will be called upon," I threatened. Tord gave me a puppy-like pout, and whined. I looked over cautiously, and I wished I didn't. His face melted my heart, and made me want him happy for some reason. I sigh and massage the bridge of my nose. 

  "So..?" he begged. His Norwegian accent and that tone made me smile.

  "Fine. We can become allies, on one condition," I compromise. Tord smiled, and perked up. He hugged me, and I oddly hugged back.

  "Anything! Anything!" he yelped. I smirk evilly, and peck him on the lips. It was Tord's turn to blush.

  "You have to refer to me as (F/C other than red) Leader (Y/N), not just (Y/N). Or at least, not yet," I teased him. Tord nodded vigorously, and we let go.

- 3 Years Later -

  Me and Tord were watching over our soldiers as Black Leaders (Y/N) and Tord. Me and Tord finally began dating, but none of our soldiers knew, except for pilots Paul and Patryk. They were the only exceptions. We were happy, but it got better.

  "Soldiers of the Black Army," Tord boomed. "I have to tell you all something; Me and Black Leader (Y/N) have been secretly lovers for about 3 years. So, I don't want it to come as a shock when I ask her this." He turned to me, and stood on one knee. I stared at him, as he pulled out a black box. He opened it to reveal an engagement ring.

  "T-tord..?" I stuttered in awe and shock. Tord smiled, and watched me lovingly with his remaining gray eye.

  "(Y/N), will you marry me?" he asked. I gasped, and brought my hands to my lips, to try and conceal the large grin and even larger blush.

  "Of course I will, Tord," I cried. I hugged him, and the whole army cheered. Tord stood, and we let go of each other. Tord faced the crowd, and yelled in joy.

  "Tonight, we will celebrate!" he boomed. He was met with more cheers. Suddenly, Paul jumped out of the crowd with Patryk watching him in fear.

  "That's my boy!" Paul yelled. Patryk dragged him down, and shushed him wildly. I giggled, and Tord looked into my (E/C) eyes, grinning.

  "It's only beginning to sink in that you're my fiance, now," he purred. I smiled, and hugged him. I whispered into his ear, fighting off the tears of joy.

  "Same with me,"

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