Alarm Clock (Tired! Tord X Awake! Reader)

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This text is when Tord is in his dream.

Tord's POV

  (Y/N) was standing in front of a Norwegian river, a gun hoisted over her shoulder. She was wearing my red hoodie, which was too long her adorable body. She wore ripped jeans, and a red bandanna was tied around her neck. She was smiling at me, her precious (e/c) eyes gleaming at me.

  "Hey, Tord! Watch'ya doing over there?" she called. I had no idea, since I was standing on the opposite side of the river of her. I wanted to get to her, but I couldn't swim.

  "I can't get to you!" I called exasperatedly. She grinned, and continued to walk seemlessly across the water.

  "But I can get to you," she giggled. I smiled at her laugh and hugged her. That was when I heard the worst sound ever; the alarm clock.

  I lifted my head groggily. I looked over to my alarm clock, which was playing 8-bit 'Seven Nation Army'. I went to turn it off, and enjoyed the silence. That was when my door opened quietly.

  "Morning, Tord!" (Y/N) said quietly. I groaned, and flopped my head on the pillow.

  "(Y/N), I'm tired..." I sighed. But, I still felt her crawl onto my bed, and lay next to me.

  "It's 8:00 a.m., Tord," she cried unhappily. "I wanted cuddles." She began to flip over to her side, and hug me. I would normally reject the hug, but I was tired, and I felt safe in her arms. So, I turned and hugged her back. Her eyes widened as she stared at me. Precious (e/c) eyes, I thought to myself. Like in my dream. I continued to smile at her, when she nuzzled my nose affectionately.

  "What are you doing?" I chuckled in my thick Norwegian accent. She smirked and lightly kissed my nose.

  "Loving on you," she purred. My face went all red, only for her to cuddle up closer to me. "Now, cuddles." she urged persistently. I sighed, giving in.

  "Alright, you have me, gorgeous," I muttered. I rested my chin on her head, and we laid there, cuddling each other for about an hour before a certain green song bird had to ruin it.

  "Wake up, love birds!" Edd called joyously.

  "Edd! We were sleeping," I groaned. Edd laughed.

  "It's 9 o'clock! You guys sure sleep in late," he joked to himself. He continued to leave the room, closing the door behind him. Before I could close my eyes again, (Y/N) placed her hands on my chest, and nestled her face against my neck.

  "You're so warm," she muttered, tiredly. My face was on fire, but I held her close to me anyway.

  "Well, you're hotter than anyone I know," I snorted. She laughed, and I smiled at her laughter. It made me happy.

  "Nuh-uh. You're hotter," (Y/N) chirped. I kissed her head, breathing in her scent. She smelled nice.

  "Well, you smell better," I commented. She just giggled.

  "Did you just sniff me!?" she yelped, laughing.

  "Yes, I did, gorgeous," I replied. After that, we just held onto each other until sleep claimed us again.


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