Royally In Love (King! Tord X Princess! Reader) Part 1

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(Requested by: @MostWantedHero In royalty, if you marry a king, you're still a princess. This is due to the fact you aren't of that royal family you were borne.)

(f/e/c) = Father's eye color

Tord's POV

The glowing morning sun bathed my face with an orange glow. The weight of a golden crown weighed heavy on my head, physically and metaphorically. At only 24-years-old, I was the lone ruler of Norway. Despite my Norwegian heritage, I spoke English. It wasn't entirely common, but suitable, since I was remaining good relations with England. Though, as I sat in my cold throne and looked out on the vast, empty throne room, it just reminded me that I was different.

I was lonely, for a king. My parents died when I was young due to an assassination for power. I was hidden away by my caretakers; Paul and Patryk. They raised me like their own, until I turned 20 and my reign began. The person who assassinated my parents were arrested and executed for treason and two accounts of murder. Though, dwelling on my parents' murder wasn't what made me so down. No, it was the fact I was being arranged to marry the Princess (Y/N) of England.

I have seen pictures of her and heard talk of her, and I don't know if she could really fall for me. I mean, she is beyond gorgeous; with her sparkling (e/c) eyes, (h/c) hair that seems to radiate with calm warmth, and her (s/t) skin that looked soft. But, they talk so highly of her. They say she is kind, clever, creative, powerful, and regal. Yet, here I was, the abrasive, destructive, and lonely king who had no chance with such a Goddess. I looked to my left, where Paul stood. He seemed eager, so I sat up and smiled.

"What's up, Paul?" I asked kindly. He seemed to beam with joy. I knew what he was about to say. Yet, I want to be proven incorrect before I speak aloud. That is... if it's incorrect.

"Princess (Y/N) has arrived, Your Highness," he chimed excitedly. Of ourse he has to prove me right, I growled mentally. I smile falsely, and look at him. I got up and wandered over to him. He bowed instinctively.

"Paul, you raised me when the King and Queen were dead. You can call me Tord. Also, I don't want to see you bow for me again. It's too official," I confided in him. He stood and nodded, understanding my dislike in his submission.

I entered the wide garden that surrounded the castle. I ensured that my red suit was neat and clean before running my fingers through my hair. I sighed before I stepped before the royal gates; large, glistening iron gates that served as the only entrance to the Norwegian palace. There, on the other side of the gates, was a lovely woman with (h/c) hair, (s/t) skin, and (e/c) eyes that sparkled - Princess (Y/N). I flushed deeply and beads of sweat ran down my face as I opened a single gate for her. Her smile melted my heart. It was as if her gaze was burning holes in my head.

"King Tord, it is an honor to meet you," she smiled. I blushed so hard that I was biting my lip to keep from stuttering. She was just a little shorter than me, but not too much. A beautiful necklace wrapped around her neck. She noticed my awkwardness and giggled.

"I guess I'll start the conversation. I notice that you can see my necklace. It's an heirloom of the royal British family," she explained. I nodded and held out my hand, only then did I realize I forgot my gloves. She looked down at my severely scarred hand. She smiled lightly and held it gently. She had softer hands than I thought.

"You seem to be very experienced in combat," she stated humbly. I nodded, and finally found my voice.

"People say I'm a very... aggressive... ruler," I spoke finally. (Y/N) seemed taken aback at my voice. Wether it was because it was unexpected or because of my think accent, I won't know. Though, her soft grip tightened. I didn't wanna let go.

(Y/N)'s POV

His accent was so perfect. Like everything else about him. From his soft gray eyes, to his chipped tooth, and his soft, scarred skin. It was like God answered my prayers and gave me King Tord. Me and Tord started walking towards his castle, making small talk.

"So, how is the family?" he asked.

"My mother is celebratory, but my father is displeased," I admitted. It's true; my father heard rumors of King Tord being an introverted war leader that would attack at a single threat. It made my father uncomfortable to marry his daughter off to a king who fights at random. Though, I was insistent on marrying King Tord - he was just lonely.

"Ah..." Tord said quietly.

"It'll be fine, King Tord. Besides," I blushed heavily as I continued, "Aren't we technically engaged?" I asked. He flushed just as badly as him and I approached the Paul and Patryk - the two who raised the isolated king.

"Good morning, Princess!" Paytrk buzzed. I giggled and smiled. I bowed and shook his hand. He seemed taken aback by my openness towards them. It seemed like Paul wasn't as surprised, but instead, pleased.

"Good morning to you, too, sir!" I smiled as I brightly greeted him. Before Patryk could respond to my actions, Paul darted towards me. His messy, brown hair was shaggy and almost down to his eyes; one of which was wrapped in bandages. His large eyebrows over shadowed his dark eyes.

"I can already tell you're perfect for Tord! King Tord is not exactly willing to let us kiss his boots as he walks," he laughs. I blushed, but giggled. My father was worried that King Tord would mistreat his subjects, not see them at an equal level. I turned to Tord to see him blush and avoid eye contact. I grinned and held his hand once more.

"So far, I like it here, King Tord," I purred. Tord smiled and blushed again. It was common for his face to be red, now. I was about to go in to kiss his cheek, when he moved away. His soft gray eyes went a delicate silver. He seemed at loss of words.

"Good, since this will be your home one day," he said to both himself and me. I could tell he felt detached from this place. His parents died here. He narrowly escaped death here. He would never truly be at home. Not until someone else called it home with him. I'll be that someone.

"Hey, can I see your room?"

"Huh?" he gasped, blushing deeply. I smiled innocently and tugged on his sleeve. He blushed harder as he took my hand and led me up a grand staircase. Up the stairs was a long hallway with fine art, potted plants, and servants scurrying towards us.

"Anything you desire, King Tord?"

"No thank you, Elizabeth. I would like you - as well as the other men and women in the castle - to just have a relaxing day, today,"

"But sir, we serve y-"

"I know how to cook and clean, Elizabeth. Now, go relax," he told her sternly. I smiled at how much he cared for his staff. I also admired his independence. When my father offered me to marry other princes and kings, they all depended on their servants or expected me to care for them.

"So, uh... you're room..?" I asked hesitantly. Tord nodded curtly and his cheeks blazed. He walked down the empty hall and opened a mahogany door with golden trim and door handles. Inside was off-white walls, a red-sheeted king-size bed, and a large bay window with red curtains. Tord seemed to inch towards his bed in instinct.

"Tord, what are you doing?" I giggled as he curled up comfortingly in his covers. He smiled and buried his face in the fabric. He messed up his straight hair and laid back and stared at his ceiling. I guess he just felt safe and happy in his room. It brings out the young boy in him.

"Well, don't just stand there, sit!" he laughed as he pulled me down. I landed right by his feet, laughing. Before I knew it, I was being kissed heartily by King Tord. His lips were soft, thick, and sweet; like honey. I quickly kissed him back, enjoying the buzz of emotion going through my veins.

"I love you, my dear (Y/N). I'd be honored to have you rule by my side," he breathed onto my lips. I smiled and blushed.

"Then I shall be by your side until we perish," I muttered back, before we were interrupted by Paul.

"Dinner is ready, my liege!"

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