Ramen (Matt X Sam)

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(This story is WAY over due.....)

Sam's POV

  I finished my sketch of England, my character. His precious, innocent face was outlined naturally with his normal tears. I traced the outlines with my finger, imagining what it would be like once I colored it. Then, a text message lit my phone. I hurried to shush it, before my parents heard my disobedience. You see, I promised to clean my room, yet never did. My parents grounded me, and took away phone privileges.

  Fortunately, they forgot to take the phone. Though, I opened my messages, expecting to see Amelia finally upload that new 'Matt X Me' chapter she promised. Instead, go figure, it wasn't. Yet, unlike normal, it was way better. I smiled lightly at Matt's text illuminated against my face.

  Matt: Hey, Sam, wanna go out for some ramen?

  Sam: Sure, Matt! Meet me outside my house at 5:00 p.m.

  Matt didn't reply back. I just checked the time. It read 4:37 on my phone, and I rolled my eyes. Matt lived a few blocks away, he should handle this. I kept reading through Wattpad, until 4:54, when I heard a knock on the door.

  "Sam, Matt is here!" my mom called. I didn't bother call back, but just put up my phone and rush downstairs. Matt was waiting for me with his usual devilishly handsome looks

  "Hi, Matt," I greeted him with my unenthusiastic smile. Matt grinned and waved. He's too precious for this planet, I thought as the ginger grabbed my arm and dragged me off to a random ramen place.

  "Where are we going, Matt?" I ask as I speed walk next to him, tiring my shorter legs. Matt chuckled, and almost melted my heart.

  "There is this new ramen shop downtown called 'The Taste of China', or 'T.O.C.', for short," Matt explained as he slowed for me in front of a small building. The smell of freshly cooked noodles blended in the air with scented candles. I smiled, and hugged Matt graciously.

  "Thanks, Matt!" I cheer as I run inside. Matt followed me inside, and walked up to the counter where a boy stood there. You could tell he was forcing a smile from the cringey, unrealistic grin.

  "Hi, I'm Joseph, and how may I help you?" he asked. Matt walked up in front of me, and began ordering.

(Time Skip Brought to You by a Lazy Cook and Cashier)

  Me and Matt finally sat down at our table with our ramen and began eating. Soon after Matt slurped some ramen, I decided it would be great to tell him a joke.

  "Hey, Matt, why did you go to the dentist?" I asked. Matt titled his head like a confused dog.

  "I didn't-" he began, but I cut him off.

  "'Cause you had ginger-ivitis(gingivitis)!" I chirped. I stared at Matt, waiting. He errupted into a fit of laughter, and I laughed, too. Not because of the joke, but because noodles where streaming out of his nose.

(Back at Home)

  Matt walked me home after we finished. We talked a lot on the way, and Matt asked about how my art was going. I told him it was going good, but, I doubt it. Though, we stopped at my front door.

  "Welp, bye, Sam!" Matt exclaimed before turning to leave. Yet, before he could, I grabbed his arm. I pulled him towards me, and I stared into his blue-green eyes. Those eyes were so precious they melt my heart.

  "Don't go, yet," I mutter. Matt cocked his head confused, again, but said nothing. I leaned over and kissed him lightly, resulting in our faces being lit bright red. We broke apart, and Matt gingerly touched his lips, thinking over what just happened.

  "W-wha-?" he started to stutter, but I cut him off, again.

  "Wanna watch a movie with me?" I asked innocently. Matt smiled, and nodded. He followed me inside. We eventually picked out 'My Neighbor Totoro', and cuddled the whole time.

  "I love you, Sam," Matt whispers during the movie. I smiled, and kiss his cheek.

  "I love you, too,"

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