Louder (Tom X Singing! Reader)

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(That moment when the author realises--

She is an effing sucker for action and robots. I grew up with Transformers. Bumblebee was always my favorite.)

Tom's POV

  Wednsday was shower day. Everyone would get a shower. It used to be just whenever you needed a shower. But ever since Tord started writing graffiti in the shower, Edd could only deal with one day of cleaning the bathroom a week. So, that's what caused some of us to oppose shower day. Others, took the opportunity.

  (Y/N) was getting into the shower, the fan on anf everything. My room was across the hall from the bathroom so I heard most of what happened in there. So, I perk up when I hear (Y/N). Singing. Her voice was soft and melodic. It was like a symphany of angels in my ears.

  I was tuning Susan when I heard her, so I did the first thing that came to mind. As she sang, I played Susan. By the time she finished her song, my fingers were red and sore. I prefered it like that. After another five minutes, I hear the door open and close as (Y/N) and Matt switch places. I open my door slightly to see her. She was only covered by a large towel, and I hid my face back in my room as I blush madly.

  The day continued as normal. As normal as it was for shower day. Tord was accused and found guilty of drawing a figure of the male anatomy in the shower. He didn't care when Edd made him wash it off, only to find it was because he didn't clean it. Instead he graffited some more. Classic, stupid, Tord. But that isn't the point.

  Me and (Y/N) were sitting at the table at lunch. She was watching Edd and Tord's amusing clash. I was watching her. Her hair was like a (h/c) blanket, it was so soft. Her eyes were (e/c) and shining like Susan after being polished. That's really shiny.

  I decide the smile and chuckle. She turns to me. I have her attention, now. I slide my chair closer to her. She doesn't notice.

  "So, I heard you singing," I start. She blushes madly and curses under her breath. She turned pale and tries to sit up. Yet, I hold her wrist and pull her back down. I look her in the eyes.

  "Woah woah. Calm down, your voice is beautiful. Why didn't you want me to hear it?" I whine. She blushes harder and hides her face. I can't help but gush at how cute she was.

  "I was embarrassed by it," she whimpers. I frown at hearing her like this. I hold her close and feel her tense. She relaxes and hugs me back. I purr and kiss her cheek. Her body temperature shoots skyward. Her face turned bright red.

  "You're voice is beautiful, (Y/N). You're beautiful. Please sing more often," I sigh. I hear her breath out a sigh of relief as she shudders. I chuckle at this. She was so cute.

  "Alright... As long as you promise you'll kiss me again," she begs. I blush and kiss her lips sweetly. I hear her purr as I pull her closer. I just found another talent of this golden voiced beauty.

  "Tom, we can see you," Tord says with slight disgust. Yet, Edd was squeeing like that desert dirt frog. Matt was already making our wedding plans. Chill down, Matt, this is only our first kiss. Yet, I look down at (Y/N). I smile, and silently await the day I could call her my wife.

(Time Skip)

  Spoiler alert; I did marry her.

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