My Moon (Tord X Harassed! Reader)

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(Requested by TheWorldBoresMe.)

Tord's POV

  I watched her through the dark. My silver eyes pierced the blanket of black that encased her. (Y/N) was smiling in her sleep, making a purr rumble deep in my throat. It was rare to steal away to see her like this. Either she is like a night owl, or I am too busy. But, I needed this. To see her at peace.

  True, it was considered creepy to climb through someone's window at night to watch them sleep. Her (f/c) curtains fluttered in the breeze. Outside, the moon hung high in the air. It's pure glow slicing the night. It was beautiful and powerful, like my poor, harassed (Y/N). Her house mate, Eduardo, was very intimidating towards her.

  I needed to watch over her in her hours of peace and joy. When the moon reigned over the land. She would never have this peace when the sun reared it's ugly head. I sat at the foot of her bed and stroked her covered leg. She didn't notice, but I enjoyed the contact.

  I began to sing softly. At first, it was nothing too glorious. It was just a string of notes. Then, I heard a similar set of notes played downstairs. Jon was probably up, playing his new piano. He prized that thing. Yet, I sang happily, adding lyrics. I tried being quiet.

  "Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark. Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms. Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel alone? The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone. You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear. It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier. All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas,"

  "The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe," I sang softly. I heard the gentle, beautiful tapping of Jon's fingers against the piano keys. It was like he was working with me. I helplessly searched for words as Jon's elegant music reached my ears. It matched (Y/N)'s beauty.

  "I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact. So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass. I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky. You will see your beautiful every moment that you rise," I finished. The piano music continued until it finished slowly. My heart stopped almost instantly when footsteps neared (Y/N)'s door. It opened slowly as Jon stepped in, his small, dark eyes blinking.

  "Tord?" he asked calmly. I fell back, startled. We stared back and forth; his calm eyes rivaling my scared ones. He sighed and walked in. He reached me quickly.

  "Why are you here?"

  "To watch over (Y/N),"

  "I heard you come in. I heard you singing,"

  "Is that why you played the piano?"

  His nodding head was barely illuminated by the moon light. His brown hair bobbed softly. He was so kind and innocent. Why did he live with Eduardo, the cruelest man I knew besides myself? I have no idea, but he helped me in a way.

  "You have a beautiful voice. Typical for Norwegians, huh?" he chuckled. I joined in.

  "I guess," I whimpered. Behind me, the moon was drifting farther below the clouds. The sun's light was already letting itself in. I discarded my conversation with Jon quickly. I needed to leave, and soon.

  "I gotta go,"

  "I know. Good bye," he smiled. With that, I left him and (Y/N) behind. I was hoping Jon would keep this instance to himself. But he didn't. Yet, it was to my benefit. The next day, (Y/N) knocked on our door and asked for me.

  I quickly met her outside the door. I looked deeply into her (e/c) eyes. It was almost hypnotising. The sun bounced off her eyes like balls off glory. She seemed as happy as when the night ruled through her window.

  "Thank you for watching over me. Thank you for keeping me safe. Jon told me about your song. I heard it in my sleep," she added quickly when I looked surprised. That was when she leaned in and kissed me softly. Fireworks lit up in my head.

  "Thank you for making me happy,"

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