Haircut (Tom X Insecure! Reader)

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Tom's POV

  The sun shone through the window in my room. Heavy breathing echoed next to me and I smile softly. I felt her soft hand resting against my chest. A gentle hush fell over the house. I heard birds chirping and squirrels chattering. Yet, I listened to my nightly lullaby as I woke up. The lullaby was (Y/N)'s breathing.

  (Y/N) and I have been dating for a few years. I love them dearly and do everything I can to make them happy. I lay my hand on hers and hum. I feel her shift in her sleep and I look over. Her brilliant (e/c) eyes opened and stared into my black ones. It was like a spell was cast over me as I smile at her.

  She smiles back and sits up. She stretches and yawns. Her shirt lifted as she stretched to show her belly button. I chuckle softly about how beautiful she was. She immediately dropped her arms.

  "What are you laughing at?" she pouts. I smile up at her. My sharp canines poke out over my lip. They give an intimidating yet caring air. I had control over her emotions at this point.

  "The fact that such a beautiful woman like you chose me out of the four guys here," I sigh. She blushes and blows a raspberry.

  "Yeah, right. Who wouldn't choose you? With your soft hair, handsome face, and the body of an olympic champion. I'm surprised you didn't dump me years ago," she whimpers. Her eyes saddened. I hated seeing her sad.

  "I'm not that shallow," I chuckle as I kiss her nose. She smiles once more. She leans into me and smiles. I hear the sizzling of breakfast. Edd was awake. I also heard arguing over who had the most adoring fan girls. Matt and Tord were awake, too.

  "Come on, let's get our breakfast before they eat it all," I yawn as I address (Y/N). She looks up and nods. We hop downstairs and Edd looks up. His shaggy brown hair fell in his face, but his smile lit up the room. His brown eyes shimmered like chocolate diamonds. Tord's expression was much dimmer.

  "Tom! You're finally up! Get some bacon and eggs before Tord eats them all," he grins. Me and (Y/N) head towards Edd to get our plates. Bacon was stacked right next to the eggs in a neat pile. I hear Tord grumbling angrily.

  "What's the point of having a body like Ares if I can't eat all the bacon?"

  "To stay fit, Commie. That's the point of having a body like Ares," I spat. Yet, the peaceful atmosphere returned. (Y/N)'s fingers ran through my hair. I smile at this and purr softly. She giggles and her twinkling laughter filled my ears.

  "I need to get my hair cut again, today. Anyone want to come with me? I might go shopping afterwards," he adds. (Y/N) looks up. Her face had that familiar look. It was the look she made when she wanted to change something about herself.

  "I'll go with you. I want to get a haircut, too," she admits. I look at her hair. It was a beautiful (h/c) color. She took good care of it. Her hair was so soft to the touch when I pet it. I didn't want her to cut it.

  "Why?" I ask quietly. She turns around to face me. She was frowning slightly. Edd, to give us space, ushered Tord and Matt out. (Y/N) sighs.

  "Tom, I know you love my hair. But I don't feel comfortable in my own body. I want to change. Everyone is so much prettier than me-"

  "It was them again, wasn't it?" I ask abruptly. She straightened and froze. Ever since she was little, a girl would always tease them. They would call them fat and ugly. Tell them their clothes were moth-eaten and dirty. It made me feel sick. I wanted to sock their lying face.

  "She's right, Tom," (Y/N) whines.

  "You are the most beautiful woman I ever met, (Y/N). If you changed just for her approval, you won't be you anymore. I love your hair. It represents who you are. If you cut it, it won't solve anything. She'll still say these things. I love you too much to see you change yourself completely," I whimper.

  Her arms immediately meet my middle. The world goes hazy as I feel her lips on mine. White static of noise fills my ears. I smile warmly as I know she was, too. I pet het hair, relishing in it's beauty and grace. I hear her soft voice as soon as she parts away.

  "I won't cut my hair, Tommy,"

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