Pride Month (Tord X Male! Reader)

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(In honor of Pride Month - and my birthday - have this oneshot! The song is 'Everyone is Gay' by Great Big World, and my sister got it stuck in my head.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  Pride Month. The month I can wear rainbows, confidentially talk about my love for men, and maybe, just maybe, confess to Tord Lassin. But, once again, it seemed too good to be true. You see, for the past three years, I loved my best friend, Tord. We had so much in common. I knew he was bisexual from all the purple and pink stuff he wore for the past week or so as well as how he makes remarks about liking guys.

  This morning, I was running my thumb over the yellowing, crinkled, and curling love letter I wrote for Tord two years ago. I wanted to give it to him. But, the letter was so old. I didn't know if it's experience will help confirm my feelings, or show my cowardice. But then again, how can you confess to loving your best friend of three years? I sigh softly and bury my head in my knees.


  A norwegian accent thicker than honey, sweeter than sugar, and more intoxicating than Tom's smirnoff rang in my ears. I sigh happily turn to the door.

  "Come in," I call. The door opens to reveal the man of my dreams. His silky caramel hair was always well groomed, like he kept a comb in his pocket or something. Bright, shining silver eyes that clouded when he was in deep in thought or stormy when he was angry filled with the happy glitter of morning dew when he saw me. His tanned, clear skin was only disrupted by the constant scars along his body. He is the Red Leader, after all.

(Art by Moho_Lemonade_and_Cokade on Tumblr)

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(Art by Moho_Lemonade_and_Cokade on Tumblr)

  Tord sits on my bed beside me and sighs softly. He sounded stressed, and it made me unhappy. Sure, he seems like an asshole, but he's actually a good person. Well, once you get to know him, that is. He turns to look at me.

  "Do you ever get tired?"

  "Of what? Fatigue, yes," I answer in confusion. Tord sighs again and looks away.

  "No, no, not like that... I mean, do you ever get tired of hiding your feelings? Not telling someone something you need to tell them?" he asks quietly. He looks to me, his silvery eyes pleading for an answer. I blush as I look away from his eyes that I could so easily get lost in.

  "Y-yes," I answer shortly. After a while, Tord asks another question.

  "...(Y/N), do you love anyone?"

  I freeze. I didn't want to answer, but I had to. You could never keep a secret from Tord once he knew you had one. I hoped upon all hope that he would just leave it or continue rambling. Or that it's a rhetorical question.

  "You didn't answer me," he presses harder. I sigh heavily.

  "Fine, fine. Yes, I love someone. But I feel I can't tell them. I'm afraid they'll laugh, or won't feel the same way," I ramble for a short period before stopping myself from giving too much away. Though, I was too late. I turned to see him give me a cocky smirk.

  "And who is that, (Y/N)? Is it Edd? Tom, perhaps?" Why did it sound so attractive when he said 'perhaps'? Anyway, I visibly shudder.


  "Is it.... Me?"

  My face turns bright red. I turn to look at Tord, whom was sitting there smugly. I quickly bury my head in my knees again. Hearing Tord chuckle softly as he scoots closer, I freeze. Soft lips press against my head.

  "Don't worry, I love you, too, (Y/N),"

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