Running with the Wolves (Alpha! Werewolf! Tord X Werewolf! Reader)

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(D/N) = Daughter's name
(S/N) = Son's name

(Y/N)'s POV

  Slipping through the trees, leaves crunch under my paws. In the distance, a deep howl beckons me. The accented tone of it told me exactly who it belonged to. A pack of werewolves is common, especially in the European forests. So, when I heard Head Alpha Tord howling, I went running. What scared me the most was the urgency in the tone - it was shrill and short. Very unlike our alpha.

  My paws skidded into the middle of our camp. Humble huts made from logs and stone lined every side of the clearing. The gorgeous night sky was clear in the midst of chaos. The campfire in the middle of the camp was put out. Yet, the real chaos was why. When tragedies - such as death, disease, or natural disasters - occur to our pack, we leave the fire out at night. It's like a silent prayer.

  This time, the silent prayer was for the corpses laying beside the fire. All of them were only pups, ranging from newborn to 10-years-old. That's when the horror struck - no pup was spared. Every single pup produced in the pack under the age of 10 was slaughtered. Before I could ask, the alpha came up behind me. Tears welled up in his beautiful silver eyes. I can understand why, for one of the pups was his niece. He never had any pups of his own, for he had no mate, but he still loved children.

  "A rival pack came in and killed them all. Their alpha told me it was because not pups meant failing pack. A failing pack means a dead pack. And a dead pack means more territory for them," he whimpered. I frown as I watch him. His caramel colored fur was silky and soft, yet it was covered in blood and dirt. The rival pack wanted to kill more than just the pups, but the adults are stronger.

 The rival pack wanted to kill more than just the pups, but the adults are stronger

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(Art by Moho-Roselemonade-and-Cockade)

  "Alpha Tord, what are we going to do?" I whine.

  "Repopulate. I've heard mothers already talk about having more pups so that their lost ones won't truly be gone. Couples are already talking about having their own pups to help repopulate as well as have their own family. I'm also considering taking on a mate. I've always wanted children," he replies. At the last sentence, he smiles and takes on a softer tone. Tord seems so sweet when he's thinking of having a family.

  "Who would be your mate? I mean, plenty of female werewolves would be your wife," I blush, hiding the truth that I was one of them. Tord looks over at me. The soft silver of his eyes glitter like stars. The calm smile on his face held the lost smiles and giggles of the pups killed.

  "Well, I have half a mind to make you my mate. That is, if you would have me. I don't know if you like me. In fact, I don't even know if you want pups. But I do know that I have loved you uncontrollably ever since I met you. Do you remember that time?" he asked sincerely.

  I blush ferociously. He just admitted he loved me. Of course I remembered when we first met. We were pups, nearly 11-years-old. He was the heir prince - the next alpha. He knew with all his heart he would be a great leader. To think, the spunky, energetic, and aggressive pup turned out to be what the elders say is the best alpha in our pack's history.

  "Yes, I do. And I'll gladly be your mate, Alpha Tord," I smile.

  "Please, just call me Tord, my Love,"

(Time Skip)

  "(D/N), stop biting (S/N)," Tord chuckles. The caramel furred pup looks up at Tord and squeaks in frustration. She looked and acted just like her father, even at only 6-years-old. Her brother - whom looked just like me - scrambled out from under her. For twins, they were very aggressive towards each other. It wasn't even a contest for the throne, because Tord already established that (S/N) would be the heir prince.

  Our sweet (D/N) was going to be the Vice Alpha, meaning when her brother couldn't perform his duties, she would step in. It was tradition in other packs to marry off the Head Alpha's daughter, but Tord hated the idea. As he said, his daughter wasn't a prize, and she was strong enough to lead. As to say, he always wants to let her marry anyone she wishes. Besides, she would rather fight and hunt than mother pups in a warm, crowded nursery of a foreign pack. One thing was for sure, she has my spirit.

  I am running with the wolves, as will she.

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