Friendly Competition (Tord X Ping Pong Player! Reader)

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(Requested by the lovely EddsworldLuver. Gender neutral.)

Tord's POV

  The ping pong ball flies past my ear and I wince away from where it hit. I look daringly over at (Y/N) as their (e/c) eyes sparkly mischievously. The (f/c) shirt on their back complimented their (h/c) hair that was soft and fluffy like a Norwegian forest cat. I retrieve the ping pong ball and chuckle. I toss it back to them and smile.

  "Try to get the ball past me, not in my skull," I laugh lightheartedly. The chuckle with me and we continue playing the game. The taps of the ball against the table was like a sweet melody. I tapped my fingers against the wood to follow it. Pretty soon, (Y/N) picked up on it, and giggles. They look into my silver eyes as their own made my heart melt. God, they were so attractive.

  "What song is that, Tord?" they ask jokingly.

  "The ping pong song," I answer with just as much humor. We laugh and decide not to finish the game. Instead, we let ourselves into the kitchen and share a drink of remaining (f/drink). I sit there and stare at them, until they notice. I glance away and began to sweat. They set down their cup.

  "You're awfully jumpy today. What's wrong?"

  "N-nothing," I answer maybe too quickly. They just sigh and return to their cup. The silence is held until (Y/N) breaks the silence again. Their words made my head spin. The ground was no longer there. Only Cloud 9 existed to me.

(Y/N)'s POV

  "Tord, I love you. Please tell me what's wrong," I whimper. Tord looks over at me. His face only held the expression of a love-struck child. He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. His lips were soft as he smiles up at me.

  "I was too scared to tell you," he murmured. I tilt my head. His gray eyes turned nearly sterling from the love they expressed. The world had gone fuzzy. Only me and Tord stood there. The room was calm, quiet, and empty.

  "That I love you, too," he purrs.

(Time Skip)

  The red blanket wrapped around our shoulders represented our new relationship. Tord's arm slithered around my shoulders to hold me close. I cuddled close to him as the movie we picked out played. It was the most perfect moment I have ever had. Cuddling with the love of my life, now my boyfriend. I wished it could last forever.

  "Hey, (Y/N), when the movie is over, want to celebrate with ping pong?" he chuckles as he kisses my head.

  "Yes please!" I chirp. He laughs, and I blush at how heavenly it sounded. The movie finished within another hour. He held my hand as he led me back to the ping pong table. I picked the my paddle and smile at him. I giggle and watch him blush easily.

  "I'll try not to bury the ball in your head,"

  "You better," he purrs. As soon as the game starts, I felt bliss. We happily played for many rounds. Our hands got tired and weak. The paddles grew worn and splintered. The ball turned dented and slightly cracked. Night had fallen across the house.

  "Ready to head to bed, Love?" Tord purrs. I nods sleepily as I yawn. He hums a soft chuckle as he lifts me in his arms. He carries me bridal style to my room as he cuddles close to me. He petted my hair as he hums and I drift off to sleep.

  "Goodnight, my Love,"

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