Lovely (Red Leader X Soldier! Reader)

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(Gender neutral. I absolutely love TomSka's confirmed design for Red Leader. Here's Moho's art of it.)

Tord's POV

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Tord's POV

  A quiet stillness of the world laid before me. The golden sky hung above the clouds. A nest of birds sang a symphony from a nearby tree. I stood in the tall grass along the field. Also admiring the calm before the storm was my soldier, (Y/N) (L/N). Their lovely (h/c) hair was swept by the calm breeze.

  I smile and pull of my helmet. The sun's light bathed my face. Soft wind ruffled my caramel hair. This calming scenery was enough to make me sigh happily. Facing (Y/N), I smile kindly.

  "Beautiful day, isn't it?" I ask. They blush and look away. Their (e/c) eyes sparkled. Chuckling, I hug them close to me and hum. "It think it's gorgeous," I purr.

  "Just like you," they smile.

  "What?" my surprise makes them jump.

  "I-I...," they gasp.

  "No, I heard you," I continue smiling bashfully, "you called me gorgeous. Coming from you, it m's truly an honor." Their face turns bright pink as they hug me back. I grin and we just sit there for a while. Yet, the serenity was interrupted. The sounds of horses and boots stomp in the distance.

  "Red Leader, surrender or fight us now!" called the general. I frown and release (Y/N). My boot's thud was muffled by the ground. I turn to my men who were too busy discussing the battle to notice me and (Y/N). I put my helmet back on and pull the dark hood over my head.

  "Red Army, attack!" I cry. The command bounced off the walls of the helmet. I watch as my men charge through the grass like lions. My eyes narrow as the general dashes towards me. He was yelling bloody murder as he tried to aim his assault rifle at me. I barely blink as I dodge the bullet.

  I pull out my own gun and shot his gut. Blood sprayed into the field like liquid rubies. I grin sadistically as he collapses like a puppet whose string were cut. That's when I hear a scream. The darling voice I grew to love sliced the air like a knife. It almost seemed that only I heard them.


(Time Skip)

(Y/N)'s POV

  A quiet stillness of the world lay before me. Except, this time, it was all black. I didn't know up from down. I heard shuffling and crying. I felt stabbing pain in my side and chest. I take a deep, sharp breath, only to realise it stung. I choked on the cold air and opened my eyes.

  Red Leader watched me in shock and relief. I look over at him as I catch my breath. The dark, humid room exploded with color when I saw him. His caramel hair, trapped by that darned red helmet. His glistening silver eyes and soft skin was perfectly shaped by his angular face. I huff, which surprises Red Leader.

  "Sir, take off your helmet. We're out of battle, now," I groan. He obediently pulls off the piece of armor. I smile and blush lightly at his handsome face. "Now I can see you," I sigh joyfully.

  His grin parts his face as he scoots closer. I look into his silver eyes. They weren't filled with rage or battle. Only the sweet vision of the sky and field we shared. The loveliness of it all was calming as the gold was softened to gray. Red Leader leans in and kisses me gently and I relish at his soft lips.

  "Don't call me sir, Love. Call me Tord," he smiles. We share a nice hug before the day fades into the dark of night. Even then, Tord had cuddled into me upon the hospital bed. He nuzzles my hair and sighs.

  "You're lovely,"

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