Valentine (Eddsworld X Lonely! Reader)

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Drawing Conclusions

  Valentine's Day; the day that taunted me like Christmas taunts Tom. I sat on the couch, getting grumpy over the sappy Valentine specials on TV. Wattpad was blowing up with Valentine's day special oneshots. I couldn't help but get the thought the world was against me. I know, stupid right? Edd sits next to me and sighs.

  "Happy Valentine's Day," he said in a monotone voice. I immediately look up. He doesn't usually talk like that. Scratch that - he never talks like that.  I look at him like he grew a second head. He looks over at me and grunts.

  "What?" he huffs.

  "You are never this huffy. What's wrong?" I sternly ask. He looks me in the eyes and snorts. He doesn't answer right away. It was almost uncomfortable.

  "I don't have a Valentine," his face softens, as well as his tone, "so please be mine."


Star Struck and Drunk

  Me and Tom were laughing as we drank alcohol. The smirnoff in Tom's hand was almost done. He hiccuped as he laughed at the cheesey cards they saw on Pinterest. Our laughter filled the empty bedroom that Tom claimed was 'his lair' in his bought of drunk. He had his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

  "Okay, okay... 'I love you more than I love alcohol'. Since when?" he screeched. It was funny to him, but it stung slightly. I felt that way when it came to him. He noticed how upset that comment made me. He frowned and tried to change his speech.

  "I mean, that could be for other people. There is someone I love more than alcohol," he slurs. I look up at him and see his bright red face. I was about to ask who. He kissed me and smiled.

  "I love you,"

Chocolates and Charmers

  "Not the face!" Matt screeched from his room. He was watching romance movies. He was probably getting upset because someone in the movie got their makeup smeared. His worst nightmare. I chuckled as I rolled my eyes. He was always so dramatic.

  "Matt, you're fine," I called out. I heard him whimper. Poor boy was alone for Valentine's Day. This was his first one by himself. Usually, he had a girl on his arm or a sibling at our door. I chuckle at our shared loneliness.

  "Hey, I'm lonely too. People survive being alone," I chirp. That's when I hear a knock at my door. I get up to open it. I see Matt blushing with chocolates in his hands. He smiled bashfully.

  "Well, I don't want either of us to be alone," he purrs. I blush and take the box.

  "Thank you, Matt,"

  "You're welcome, Love,"

Cigar Breath

  Tord growls as he rampages the kitchen. Pots and pans clatter on the floor. I hated hearing him so upset. We were left alone this Valentine's Day. It was a prank by Tom. I had a sickening feeling Tord hated it as much as he hated Tom.

  "Where are they!?" Tord snarls. I sigh and look up. I was in the dining room and watch him. He was now searching the drawers. I knew what he was looking for.

  "Your cigars are in the bathroom cabinet. Edd hid them so you wouldn't smoke. He hates it, and you know that. But Edd is gone for the rest of the day, so go bananas," I answer. Tord raises an agitated eyebrow.

  "Why are you telling me this?"

  "Because.... I... care about you," I answer quickly. Tord rolls his eyes. I freeze as he kisses me.

  "I love you, too,"

Eddsworld Oneshots - Lovely Little Demons (Eddsworld X Abnormal! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now