Adorable Melody (Tord X Cute! Shy! Reader)

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Tord's POV

The television blasted white noise that made me deaf to the station it was on. It looked like I was paying attention to the channel, but my mind was at a blank. I decided that I couldn't just sit there, so I turned to television off and got up. I thought of the things I could do. Then, someone decided to hop downstairs in my hoodie.

  "(Y/N), why are you wearing my hoodie?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. Contrary to my bored expression and flat voice, I was silently having a break down. Seeing them in my hoodie was so adorable and attractive that I could barely handle it. The stuck out their tongue and bounced over to me. Their bright (e/c) eyes flash with mischief.

  "It was supposed to be cute!" they squeal. I chuckle and give them my signature smirk. Their face begins to match the stolen hoodie. I take a cigar out of my pocket and light it. It burns dimly as I take a short, slow puff.

  "It's working," I purr. Before they could respond, I walk away. They don't need to know. It would make our situation awkward, since they sleep next door to me. I enter the kitchen, the temperature instantly shooting up by ten degrees. Edd was at the stove, trying not to burn his flaming omelette. I chuckle at his attempts to cover it with a towel.

  An open egg carton, along with an open bag of shredded cheese, salt, and pepper. I pick up the egg carton and take it to the fridge. I put it on its normal shelf. I go back for the cheese, and see the salt and pepper missing. Edd was still trying to salvage his breakfast, so I look over to the cupboards we usually held our salt and pepper to see a person significantly smaller than me in my hoodie. I watch with a light blush as (Y/N) tries to put the salt back

  They were on their tippy-toes, trying to reach the cabinet that held all the spices. I chuckle as I walk over. I stuff my hands into my hoodie and smirk at them, trying to convey a teasing atmosphere. It worked as they sensed it, and turned to me in confusion. Their bright (e/c) eyes twinkled in the early morning light. Much of the light also illuminated their (h/c) locks that fell over their face. It made me smile, and I itched to hold their face in her hands, pulling them closer to land my lips on theirs. Yet, I had to keep the façade I didn't like them that way.

  "How long have you been watching me?" they asked quizzically. Their face was light pink. Their shyness made my dominance shine through. I caused my smirk to grow and I bent to their size. Their cheeks practically glowed in the morning light. I made me want to tell them how adorable they were, and never stop.

  "Not long. Yet, long enough to recognize how adorable you are. Shorty," I tease lightly as I poke their nose. It hurt to tease them, even lightly. I wanted to see them smile, and giggle, not pout and glare at me. Which is exactly what they did. It felt like sharp harpoons spearing through my heart as their eyes turned to ice as they glared at me.

  "Shut up!" they growl. It was enough to make me retreat to my room. Maybe I can try again later. Hours pass, and three stamped out cigars litter my bed sheets. I was far from relaxed, though, as my strained lungs worked hard to cool my ramen. I was listening to (Y/N) as they giggled at Edd's puns outside. Jealousy seared through my veins like fire.

  A growl severed the serene silence of the room. It tremored through my throat like that of an angry dog's. It was so loud that the door was transparent to the sounds. The giggling stopped, and so did the puns. No joy was left to make my jealousy continue. So, I calmed down, yet no puns or giggling continued.

(Y/N)'s POV

  "Doesn't Tord want me to be happy..?" I choke out. Tord had teased me in the kitchen this morning. He growled when I giggled at Edd's puns. Does he hate me? So, I consoled my feelings to Edd.

  "On the contrary, (Y/N). He loves you. Dearly. Would rather die than not have you in his life. But, it shows in weird ways. He often gets very jealous," Edd continues without acknowledgement of my stunned expression.

  "H-he... he loves me...?" I asked quietly. Edd looked over at her, and pales. He silently cusses at himself as he fights off the panic. He looked around wildly, hoping Tord didn't hear him confess for him. That's when he notices the coast is clear and he sighs in defeat.

  "Yes, (Y/N). He loves you very much. He would do anything for you. He's too afraid to tell you, so he shuts himself out, and acts like a sociopathic pervert," Edd explains slower than before. I cock my head and raise an eyebrow.

  "I thought he actually was," I respond. Edd nods his head to the side, taking in his thoughts.

  "Well, I mean, he is, but...," his voice faded out as he shook his head. "But that's far from what I mean. He acts uptight and self-reserved around you. If he acted like his true self, he'd be too passionate and loving." His eyes watch me cautiously. "Would you like that?"

  I just blush and smile. "I would like that...," I admit. Just imagining his strong, gentle hands cupping my cheek as he leans in for a kiss felt like a dream. That's when the clouds my head was caught in were swatted away by Edd. His serious expression made me alert to him. His eyes were hard like stone.

  "No, you wouldn't. Constantly flirting with you - especially in public. Being very possessive and protective. He would even put out curfews and feel the need to hold you hand in somewhere as simple as a market place," Edd rambled on. All I could focus on was how appealing that was to me. Especially the hand-holding part.

  Edd saw the look in my eyes that betrayed me. He sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose. The young man now seemed old. His dark brown hair was swept out of his baggy and dark eyes. He seemed shorter than the 6'2" man I always saw smiling at me.

  "You know what? My condolences. It's your funeral. Go right on ahead and tell him you love him back. You can see just how terrible it is," he groans. His eyes focus roughly on mine, making me freeze. Color drains from my face and I ask myself if Edd was secretly Medusa. That was amusing, according to how Medusa became the snake-haired monster we know.

  "Okay. Thank you!" I call as I run to Tord's room. I could hear the faint smack of palm against forehead. Don't worry Edd, I'll be fine. Especially with Tord.

.     .     .

And, after several months of dating, I still don't regret anything. And I meant it - and still mean it - when I said 'I would like that'.

(Merry Christmas! Me and my sister got a laptop for Christmas to share, so I might be able to keep my 2018 New Year's resolution - daily/weekly updates! Tell me which you want in the comments.)

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