Monster's Love (Monster! Tom X Neko! Reader)

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(Requested by: oOVioletAftonOo)

Tom's POV

The cold, barren streets of London clicked impatiently with the heels of my converse. The rain sped the constant tapping as it made a soft yet rough rhythm against the cement. My black eyes scanned the dark, desolate buildings up and down the sidewalk. Occasionally, cars would drive down as kick up litter left to the sewer drains, causing headlights to make the small shops look inhabited. Dim streetlights with broken glass peered into dark, graffitied alleyways filled with trash cans, boxes, and bottles. Before I could walk by, the damp path that branched from the walkway started curling at the edge of my vision. I dared to look over, expecting another dark shadowy figure, like that I, Matt, and Edd experienced one fateful night.

Within the small cavity between the two buildings was a tiny body, shivering and cold, fur plastered to its sides. A (fur/c) cat sat there, mewling into the night. Their bold, (e/c) eyes were wide with fear of the drenched, dark horizon that surrounded them. I felt sympathetic, so I drew closer. My hands reached out for the poor thing. My fingers brushed their ears, which were once soft, but were now clinging to its head from the rain. That's when I heard the sound that would scare any cat, and maybe even me, if it were big enough.

Growling. A large dog without a collar - most likely an American Pit - growled as it planted its heels in the graveling cement. It's golden eyes made the blue hue of the night tear to reveal a blinding yellow. I picked up the cat and backed away from the dog. It was clearly not used to human contact as it lurched forward, its slobbering jaws snapping near where the cat's tail was seconds prior. In fear for the cat's - and my own - safety, I ran for our house. My senses were clouded by the alcohol that I downed before walking home from the pub, so by the time I got home, my drunken muscles collapsed in Edd's concerned arms.

The last thing I remembered was the cat I rescued leaping to Matt. It all went black as the door shut, blocking the savage dog from its targets.

(Y/N)'s POV

That man saved me, but he barely knew me! I was now warm and dry on a scarlet couch. The room was faintly lit by a TV playing a show I didn't care for. The reason it was playing was because the man who saved me, who was revealed to be named Tom, was awake. He had a slight hangover, but he watched TV instead of taking a nap or drinking water. I was beside his lap, my furry back pressed against his black jeans. Purrs of approval rose from my throat as he scratched my lower back.

"Poor kitten," he cooed. His soft yet deep accent soothed me. It was like a gravely meow to me. I looked over at his face, only to be startled to see he was looking back. Dark voids for eyes watched me contently as a blue hoodie draped his shoulders and arms. I knew this man was going to be kind to me, so I made a silent vow. This man will be my owner.

(Two Years Later)

Tom's POV

It was a soft, silvery morning, and the sun forbid to rise above the fog. The dew seemed to be forever imprinted on the blades of grass. Humid air clung to the walls of the house as Edd made breakfast. Tord and I sat at the counter, bored out of our minds. Then Tord turned to me, his mere face infuriating me. That was when his signature grin fueled the flames of hate.

"Are ya bored, Jehovah? Just run off and find your dumb cat, watch it sleep or something that other crazy cat people do," he hissed. I glared him down, my scowl twisting in anger. I growled quietly at his words. After I saved them, I adopted the (fur/c) cat I found. We named them Pit, over our shared misfortune that led them to a forever home.

"One, Pit is not dumb. They are smarter than you, Commie. Second, they do more than sleep, unlike you. Third, I am not a crazy cat person," I snarled. Tord rolled his eyes, his smirk still remaining. He thought he was so high and mighty. I'll show him.

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